Balance sheet

Parent Bank     Group
31.12.13 31.12.14 (NOK million) Notes 31.12.14 31.12.13
4,793 4,676 Cash and balances with central banks   4,676 4,793
4,000 4,362 Loans and advances to credit institutions 7,28 1,287 1,189
77,030 86,687 Loans and advances to customers 8,9,10,12,15,28 90,339 80,317
-150 -164  - Specified write-downs 8,11 -172 -173
-278 -278  - Write-downs by loan category 8,11 -295 -295
76,602 86,245 Net loans to and receivables from customers   89,872 79,849
16,887 14,110 Fixed-income CDs and bonds 15,27,28,29 14,110 16,887
3,051 6,766 Financial derivatives 14,27,28,30 6,674 3,050
492 257 Shares, units and other equity interests 27,28,31 708 1,016
3,138 3,361 Investments in associates and joint ventures 39,40,41,43 5,129 4,624
2,442 2,490 Investment in group companies 39,41 - -
169 162 Property, plant and equipment 33 1,120 1,176
114 101 Investment held for sale 31,39 45 113
447 447 Goodwill 32 526 495
1,940 1,642 Other assets 25,26,34 1,899 2,167
114,074 124,619 Total assets 13,16,17,19 126,047 115,360
5,354 9,118 Deposits from credit institutions 7,28 9,118 5,354
1,220 - Funding, "swap" arrangement with the government 28 - 1,220
56,336 61,177 Deposits from and debt to customers 28,35 60,655 55,879
33,762 32,632 Debt securities in issue 27,28,36 32,632 33,762
2,295 5,722 Financial derivatives 14,27,28,30 5,722 2,295
1,992 1,790 Other liabilities 25,37 2,040 2,303
3,304 3,356 Subordinated debt 28,38 3,356 3,304
104,263 113,795 Total liabilities 18,19 113,523 104,118
2,597 2,597 Equity capital certificates 42 2,597 2,597
-0 -0 Own holding of ECCs 42 -0 -0
895 895 Premium fund   895 895
2,496 3,122 Dividend equalisation fund   3,122 2,496
227 292 Allocated to dividends   292 227
124 160 Allocated to gifts   160 124
3,276 3,619 Ownerless capital   3,619 3,276
195 139 Unrealised gains reserve   148 206
- - Other reserves   1,620 1,354
    Minority interests   72 67
9,811 10,824 Total equity 5,43 12,524 11,242
114,074 124,619 Total liabilities and equity 16,17 126,047 115,360


Trondheim, 3 March 2015
The Board of Directors of SpareBank 1 SMN
Kjell Bjordal Bård Benum Paul E. Hjelm-Hansen Arnhild Holstad
Board chair      
Aud Skrudland Janne Thyø Thomsen Morten Loktu Venche Johnsen
      Employee representative
      Finn Haugan
      Group CEO

Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN