Note 19 - Maturity analysis of assets and liabilities

The table below shows an analysis of assets and liabilities maturing one year or otherwise after the balance sheet date. Overdraft facilities and consumer credit incl. flexi-loans are included under the interval "below 3 months".

Parent Bank            
2014 (NOK million) On demand Below 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 yrs Above 5 yrs Total
Cash and claims on central banks 4,676 - - - - 4,676
Loans and claims on credit institutions 3,167 1,107 - - 89 4,362
Loans to and claims on customers   15,836 2,078 11,322 57,452 86,687
- Individual write down of loans to and claims on customers - - -164 - - -164
- Groupwise write down of loans to and claims on customers - - -278 - - -278
Net loans to customers - 15,836 1,635 11,322 57,452 86,245
Securities - designated at fair value through profit/loss 253 2,474 2,385 5,727 3,525 14,363
Derivatives - 99 905 4,207 1,554 6,766
Securities- available for sale 4 - - - - 4
Securities - held to maturity - - - - - 0
Securities - loans and receivables - - - - - 0
Investment in associates and joint ventures 5,851 - - - - 5,851
Intangible assets - - - - 447 447
Property, plant and equipment 162 - - - - 162
Other assets 207 1,361 144 31 - 1,743
Total assets 14,320 20,877 5,069 21,286 63,066 124,619
Debt to credit institutions 7,696 1,301 - - 121 9,118
Funding, "swap" arrangement with the government - - - - - 0
Deposits from and debt to customers *) 55,415 1,358 1,429 2,975 - 61,177
Debt created by issuance of securities - 3,621 1,260 24,824 2,927 32,632
Derivatives - 53 638 2,928 2,103 5,722
Liabilities in connection with period tax - 22 373 - - 395
Liabilities in connection with deferred tax - - - 32 - 32
Other liabilities 37 1,198 85 45 - 1,364
Subordinated debt **) - - - - 3,356 3,356
Total debt 63,148 7,553 3,785 30,803 8,507 113,795


2014 (NOK million) On demand Below 3 months 3-12 months 1 - 5 yrs Above 5 yrs Total
Cash and claims on central banks 4,676 - - - - 4,676
Loans and claims on credit institutions 177 1,110 - - - 1,287
Loans to and claims on customers - 15,855 2,181 13,519 58,783 90,339
- Individual write down of loans to and claims on customers - - -172 - - -172
- Groupwise write down of loans to and claims on customers - - -295 - - -295
Net loans to customers - 15,855 1,715 13,519 58,783 89,872
Securities - designated at fair value through profit/loss 673 2,474 2,385 5,727 3,525 14,783
Derivatives - 99 872 4,205 1,497 6,674
Securities- available for sale 35 - - - - 35
Securities - held to maturity - - - - - -
Securities -at cost - - - - - 0
Securities - loans and receivables - - - - - 0
Investment in associates and joint ventures 5,129 - - - - 5,129
Intangible assets - - - - 526 526
Property, plant and equipment 1,120 - - - - 1,120
Other assets 354 1,371 144 75 - 1,944
Total assets 12,164 20,910 5,115 23,527 64,331 126,047
Debt to credit institutions 7,696 1,301 - - 121 9,118
Funding, "swap" arrangement with the government - - - - - 0
Deposits from and debt to customers *) 54,893 1,358 1,429 2,975 - 60,655
Debt created by issuance of securities - 3,621 1,260 24,824 2,927 32,632
Derivatives - 53 638 2,928 2,103 5,722
Liabilities in connection with period tax - 44 408 - - 452
Liabilities in connection with deferred tax - - - 45 - 45
Other liabilities 37 1,326 129 51 - 1,543
Subordinated debt **) - - - - 3,356 3,356
Total debt 62,626 7,703 3,864 30,823 8,507 113,523

*) The customer deposits portfolio is mainly classified in the category "on demand". Based on empirical experience, customer deposits may grow in the period ahead. The growth in this deposit portfolio was 10.9 per cent (7.3 per cent) in 2014. A deposit guarantee for deposits of up to NOK 2 million has been established in accordance with the Act on guarantee schemes for banks.

 **) The maturity structure for subordinated debt is based on final maturity.   

Annual report and notes

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