Note 20 - Net interest income

Parent Bank   Group
2013 2014 (NOK million) 2014 2013
    Interest income    
112 138 Interest income from loans to and claims on central banks and credit institutions 58 34
3,515 3,699 Interest income from loans to and claims on customers 3,810 3,614
455 381 Interest income from money market instruments, bonds and other fixed income securities 381 454
10 5 Other interest income 17 15
4,092 4,223 Total interest income 4,265 4,118
    Interest expense    
202 189 Interest expenses on liabilities to credit institutions 91 117
1,197 1,240 Interest expenses relating to deposits from and liabilities to customers 1,216 1,160
994 931 Interest expenses related to the issuance of securities 931 994
149 157 Interest expenses on subordinated debt 157 149
62 61 Other interest expenses  81 81
2,604 2,578 Total interest expense 2,475 2,502
1,487 1,644 Net interest income 1,790 1,616

Annual report and notes

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