Note 12 - Credit risk exposure for each internal risk rating

The Bank uses a special classification system for monitoring credit risk in the portfolio. Risk classification is based on each individual exposure's probability of default. In the table below this classification is collated with corresponding rating classes at Moody’s.

Historical default data are Parent Bank figures showing the default ratio (DR) per credit quality step. The figures are an unweighted average of customers with normal scores in the period 2006-2014.

 Probability of default    Collateral cover
Credit quality
From To Moody's Historical
Lower limit Upper limit
A 0.00 % 0.10 % Aaa-A3 0.03 %   1 120  
B 0.10 % 0.25 % Baa1-Baa2 0.08 %   2 100 120
C 0.25 % 0.50 % Baa3 0.18 %   3 80 100
D 0.50 % 0.75 % Ba1 0.45 %   4 60 80
E 0.75 % 1.25 % Ba2 0.59 %   5 40 60
F 1.25 % 2.50 %   1.42 %   6 20 40
G 2.50 % 5.00 % Ba2-B1 3.33 %   7 0 20
H 5.00 % 10.00 % B1-B2 6.35 %        
I 10.00 % 99.99 % B3-Caa3 16.87 %        
J Default              
K Written down             


The Bank's exposures are classified into risk groups based on credit quality step.

Credit quality step Risk groups
 A - C  Lowest risk
 D - E  Low risk
 F - G  Medium risk
 H  High risk
 I  Highest risk
 J - K  Default and written down


     Averaged   Averaged  
     unhedged Total unhedged Total
Parent Bank    exposure exposure exposure exposure
(NOK million)    2014 2014 2013 2013
Lowest risk    6.0 % 52,394 5.8 % 46,680
Low risk    9.0 % 24,969 6.1 % 22,631
Medium risk    17.2 % 18,846 8.8 % 16,275
High risk    9.8 % 3,972 12.2 % 3,644
Highest risk    7.1 % 1,484 3.8 % 1,988
Default and written down   32.1 % 432 20.5 % 457
Total   102,098   91,676
     Averaged   Averaged  
     unhedged Total unhedged Total
Group    exposure exposure exposure exposure
(NOK million)    2014 2014 2013 2013
Lowest risk    6.0 % 52,724 6.2 % 46,927
Low risk    8.7 % 25,809 8.6 % 23,418
Medium risk    14.4 % 20,520 18.8 % 17,816
High risk    8.8 % 4,416 16.3 % 4,008
Highest risk    5.7 % 1,868 11.4 % 2,321
Default and written down   19.3 % 520 34.5 % 543
Total   105,858   95,033

The realisation value of furnished collateral is determined such that they, on a conservative assessment, reflect the presumed realisation value in an economic downturn. For example, collateral furnished in the form of negative pledge and unquoted equities in accordance with the Group’s internal guidelines will not be assigned any realisation value and will thus appear unsecured. The conservative assessment entails that the realisation value that is actually attained may prove higher than the estimated realisation value.


Annual report and notes

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