Note 11 - Losses on loans and guarantees

Parent Bank (NOK million)  
  2014 2013
Losses on loans and guarantees RM CM Total RM CM Total
Period’s change in individual write-downs -4 18 14 -0 22 22
+ Period’s change in collective write-downs - - - - - -
+ Actual losses on loans previously written down 10 41 51 8 26 34
+ Confirmed losses on loans not previously written down 12 16 28 4 34 39
- Recoveries on previously written down loans, guarantees etc. 12 -2 10 -6 -6 -13
Total  6 77 83 6 76 82
  2014 2013
Individual write-downs RM CM Total RM CM Total
Individual write-downs to cover loss on loans, guarantees etc. at 01.01 28 122 150 28 101 129
- Confirmed losses in the period on loans, guarantees etc. previously subject to individual write down 10 41 51 -8 -26 -34
- Reversal of previous years’ write-downs 6 13 19 -4 -12 -16
+ Increase in write-downs of commitments not previously subject to individual write down 1 0 2 1 11 12
+ write-downs of loans not previously subject to individual write down  11 72 83 11 48 59
Individual write-downs to cover loss on loans, guarantees etc. at 31.12 25 139 164 28 122 150
  2014 2013
Collective write-downs RM CM Total RM CM Total
Collective write-downs to cover loss on loans, guarantees at 01.01 73 205 278 73 205 278
Period’s collective write-downs to cover loss on loans, guarantees etc.  -  -   -  -  - -
Collective write-downs to cover loss on loans and guarantees at 31.12 73 205 278 73 205 278


Losses specified by sector and industry 2014 2013
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and hunting  5 -0
Fish farming - 2
Industry and mining 6 23
Building, construction, power and water supply 12 28
Wholesale and retail trade, hotel og restaurant industry 16 4
Other transport and communication 19 2
Financing, property management and business services 14 14
Abroad and others   -
Private sector 11 10
Collective write-downs, corporate  -  -
Collective write-downs, retail  -  -
Losses on loans to customers 83 82


Non-performing more than 90 days and potential problem loans  2014 2013
Non-performing loans 224 311
- Individual write-downs 63 73
Net non-performing loans 162 238
Potential problem loans 208 146
- Individual write-downs 101 76
Net potential problem loans 107 70

Interest taken to income on defaulted and doubtful exposures totals NOK 36,6 million for the Parent Bank (NOK 39,6 million). 

The realisable value of the collateral backing individually written-down loans totals NOK 189,8 million (NOK 167,3 million) for the Parent Bank at 31 December 2014.

Group (NOK million)            
  2014 2013
Losses on loans and guarantees RM CM Total RM CM Total
Period’s change in individual write-downs -9 8 -1 2 28 29
+ Period’s change in collective write-downs - - - - - -
+ Actual losses on loans previously written down 14 51 66 8 32 40
+ Confirmed losses on loans not previously written down 15 20 35 8 37 45
- Recoveries on previously written down loans, guarantees etc. 13 -2 11 -6 -7 -14
Total  8 81 89 12 89 101
  2014 2013
Individual write-downs RM CM Total RM CM Total
Individual write-downs to cover loss on loans, guarantees etc. at 01.01. 33 139 173 31 113 144
- Confirmed losses in the period on loans, guarantees etc. previously subject to individual write down 14 51 66 -8 -32 -40
- Reversal of previous years’ write-downs 7 15 22 -4 -14 -18
+ Increase in write-downs of commitments not previously subject to individual write down 1 1 2 1 14 15
+ write-downs of loans not previously subject to individual write down  11 73 84 13 58 72
Individual write-downs to cover loss on loans, guarantees etc at 31.12  24 147 172 33 140 173
  2014 2013
Collective write-downs RM CM Total RM CM Total
Collective write-downs to cover loss on loans, guarantees at 01.01 77 218 295 77 218 295
Period’s collective write-downs to cover loss on loans, guarantees etc  -  - -  -  - -
Collective write-downs to cover loss on loans and guarantees at 31.12 77 218 295 77 218 295


Losses specified by sector and industry 2014 2013
Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and hunting  6 -0
Fish farming - 2
Industry and mining 6 25
Building and construction, power and water supply 13 31
Wholesale and retail trade, hotel og restaurant industry 15 6
Other transport and communication 21 12
Financing, property management and business services 15 14
Abroad and others - 0
Private sector 13 10
Collective write-downs, corporate - -
Collective write-downs, retail - -
Losses on loans to customers 89 101


Non-performing more than 90 days and potential problem loans  2014 2013
Non-performing loans 270 387
- Individual write-downs 67 87
Net non-performing loans 202 299
Potential problem loans 216 157
- Individual write-downs 105 86
Net potential problem loans 112 71

Interest taken to income on defaulted and doubtful exposures totals NOK 43,8 million (NOK 55.3 million) for the Group.

The realisable value of the collateral backing individually written-down loans totals NOK 196.2 million (NOK 185.4 million) for the Group at 31 December 2014.

Annual report and notes

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