Note 42 - ECC capital and ownership structure

The Bank's ECC capital totals NOK 2,596,728,860 distributed  on 129,836,443 equiry capital certificates (ECCs), each with a face value of NOK 20. As at 31 December 2014 there was 8,395 ECC holders (8,741 as at 31 December 2013).

ECC capital has been raised by the following means:

Year Change  Change in ECC
capital (NOK)
Total ECC
capital (NOK)
No. of ECCs
1991 Placing 525,000,000 525,000,000 5,250,000
1992 Placing 75,000,000 600,000,000 6,000,000
2000 Employee placing 5,309,900 605,309,900 6,053,099
2001 Employee placing 4,633,300 609,943,200 6,099,432
2002 Employee placing 4,862,800 614,806,000 6,148,060
2004 Bonus Issue 153,701,500 768,507,500 7,685,075
2005 Placing 217,424,200 985,931,700 9,859,317
2005 Employee placing 23,850,000 1,009,781,700 10,097,817
2005 Split - 1,009,781,700 40,391,268
2005 Rights issue 252,445,425 1,262,227,125 50,489,085
2007 Dividend issue 81,752,950 1,343,980,075 53,752,203
2007 Employee placing 5,420,000 1,349,400,075 53,976,003
2008 Dividend issue 90,693,625 1,440,093,700 57,603,748
2008 Employee placing 6,451,450 1,446,545,150 57,861,806
2009 Bonus issue 289,309,025 1,735,854,175 69,434,167
2010 Employee placing 12,695,300 1,748,549,475 69,941,979
2010 Rights issue 624,082,675 2,372,632,150 94,905,286
2011 Rights issue 625,000 2,373,257,150 94,930,286
2012 Reduction in nominal value -474,651,430 1,898,605,720 94,930,286
2012 Rights issue 569,543,400 2,468,149,120 123,407,456
2012 Employee placing 16,220,200 2,484,369,320 124,218,466
2012 Placing 112,359,540 2,596,728,860 129,836,443


Parent Bank (NOK million)  2014 2013
ECC capital 2,597 2,597
Dividend equalisation reserve 3,122 2,496
Premium reserve 895 895
Unrealised gains reserve 90 126
A. The equity capital certificate owners' capital 6,704 6,114
Ownerless capital 3,619 3,276
Unrealised gains reserve 49 69
B. The saving bank reserve 3,668 3,345
Other equity 160 124
Dividend declared 292 227
Equity ex. profit 10,824 9,811
Equity capital certificate ratio A/(A+B) 64.64 % 64.64 %
Average of ratio 64.64 % 64.64 %


20 largest ECC holders at 31 Dec 2014 No. of ECCs Holding
Verdipapirfondet DNB Norge (IV) 4,309,928 3.32 %
Sparebankstiftelsen SpareBank 1 SMN 3,965,391 3.05 %
Odin Norge   3,823,131 2.94 %
VPF Nordea Norge Verdi  3,538,004 2.72 %
Pareto Aksje Norge  3,302,488 2.54 %
The Bank of New York Mellon (nominee) 3,118,007 2.40 %
Odin Norden   2,854,979 2.20 %
Vind LV AS   2,736,435 2.11 %
State Street Bank and Trust CO (nominee) 2,609,428 2.01 %
Wimoh Invest AS  2,359,388 1.82 %
MP Pensjon PK  2,058,415 1.59 %
Danske Invest Norske Aksjer Inst. II 2,003,167 1.54 %
Forsvarets Personellservice 1,491,146 1.15 %
DNB Livsforsikring AS  1,472,982 1.13 %
Pareto Aktiv   1,412,325 1.09 %
Pareto AS   1,330,202 1.02 %
VPF Nordea Kapital  1,222,189 0.94 %
Danske Invest Norske Aksjer Instit. I 1,110,223 0.86 %
Fondsfinans Spar  1,075,000 0.83 %
Verdipapirfondet Handelsbanken 1,050,000 0.81 %
The 20 largest ECC holders in total 46,842,828 36.08 %
Others   82,993,615 63.92 %
Total issued ECCs 129,836,443 100.00 %



Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN