Note 39 - Investments in owner interests

Subsidiaries, affiliates, joint ventures and companies held for sale.

Company Company number Registered office Stake in per cent
Investment in significant subsidiaries      
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge AS 938521549 Trondheim 90.1
SpareBank 1 SMN Invest AS 990961867 Trondheim 100.0
EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge AS 936159419 Trondheim 87.0
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet AS 990283443 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN AS 936285066 Trondheim 100.0
Allegro Kapitalforvaltning ASA 980300609 Trondheim 90.1
SpareBank 1 Bygget Steinkjer AS 934352718 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Bygget Trondheim AS 993471232 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 SMN Card Solutions AS 990222991 Trondheim 100.0
Brannstasjonen SMN AS 998042577 Trondheim 100.0
St. Olavs Plass 1 SMN AS 999263380 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Bilplan AS 979945108 Trondheim 100.0
Jernbanegata 19 SMN AS 912514005 Trondheim 100.0
Shares owned by subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries      
Leksvik Regnskapskontor AS 980491064 Leksvik 50.0
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset Merkantilservice AS 983622461 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset Ålesund AS 966323191 Ålesund 100.0
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset Rørvik AS 951016071 Vikna 100.0
GMA Invest AS 994469096 Trondheim 100.0
Sentrumsgården AS 975856828 Leksvik 35.3
Aqua Venture AS 891165102 Trondheim 37.6
Maritech Systems AS 997929217 Averøy 23.1
Omega-3 Invest AS 996814262 Molde 33.6
Tjeldbergodden Utvikling AS 979615361 Aure 23.0
Grilstad Marina AS 991340475 Trondheim 35.0
GMN 51 AS 996534316 Trondheim 30.0
GMN 52 AS 996534413 Trondheim 30.0
GMN 53 AS 996534502 Trondheim 30.0
GMN 54 AS 996534588 Trondheim 30.0
GMN 6 AS 994254707 Trondheim 35.0
Grilstad Energi AS 998480639 Trondheim 30.0
Hommelvik Sjøside AS 992469943 Malvik 40.0
Investment in jont ventures      
SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS 975966372 Tromsø 19.5
SpareBank 1 Banksamarbeidet DA 986401598 Oslo 17.7
Investment in associates      
BN Bank ASA 914864445 Trondheim 33.0
SpareBank1 Boligkreditt AS 988738387 Stavanger 17.5
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt AS 894111232 Stavanger 34.1
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort AS 975966453 Trondheim 18.1
SpareBank 1 Markets AS 992999101 Oslo 23.8
PAB Consulting AS 967171344 Ålesund 34.0
Molde Kunnskapspark AS 981036093 Molde 20.0
Bjerkeløkkja AS 998534976 Trondheim 40.7
Investment in companies held for sale      
Mavi XV AS 890899552 Trondheim 100.0
Norway Cod AS 979380127 Bindal 100.0
Mavi XI AS 990899568 Trondheim 100.0
Mavi XXIV AS 999211062 Trondheim 100.0
Mavi XXV AS 999239242 Trondheim 100.0
Mavi XXVI AS 999239331 Trondheim 100.0
Mavi XXVII AS 999239390 Trondheim 100.0
Mavi XXVIII AS 999239455 Trondheim 100.0

Shares in subsidiaries, Parent Bank

Recorded at acquisition cost in the Parent Bank. Full consolidation in the Group accounts. Total costs include tax charge. The booked value of subsidiaries in the tables below is the Parent Bank’s booked value. The respective companys result of the year is shown in the resultcolumn below.  

2014 (NOK million) Company's share capital
 (NOK 1000) 
No. Of shares Nominal value (NOK 1000) Assets  Liabilities Total income Total expenses Result Book value 31.12
SpareBank 1 Finans
Midt-Norge AS
271,920 27,192 10 3,625 3,188 126 76 50 368
Total investments in credit institutions           368
SpareBank 1 SMN Invest AS Group 457,280 457,280 1 786 62 42 9 33 720
EiendomsMegler 1
Midt-Norge AS
57,803 5,505 11 284 87 359 322 37 120
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet AS 326,160 30,200 11 760 117 45 72 -28 899
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN AS Group 14,280 238 60 139 46 182 151 31 64
Kapitalforvaltning ASA
6,000 6,000 1 41 11 36 34 2 11
SpareBank 1 Bygget
Steinkjer AS
6,100 100 61 49 0 5 4 1 53
SpareBank 1 Bygget
Trondheim AS
94,236 100,000 1 192 8 31 28 3 75
SpareBank 1 SMN Card Solutions AS 200 2,000 0 9 3 22 21 1 9
Brannstasjonen SMN AS 10,000 100,000 0 82 9 3 3 0 73
St. Olavs Plass 1 SMN AS 10,000 100,000 0 75 1 7 7 0 75
SpareBank 1 Bilplan AS 5,769 41,206 0 32 28 133 133 0 9
Jernbanegata 19 SMN AS 1,000 1,000,000 1 12 1 2 4 -1 13
Total investments in other subsidiaries             2,122
Total investments in Group companies, Parent Bank             2,490
2013 (NOK million) Company's share capital
 (NOK 1000) 
No. Of shares Nominal value (NOK 1000) Assets  Liabilities Total income Total expenses Result Book value 31.12
SpareBank 1 Finans
Midt-Norge AS
271,920 27,192 10 3,264 2,889 116 79 36 323
Total investments in credit institutions           323
SpareBank 1 SMN Invest AS konsern 457,280 457,280 1 796 74 60 11 48 720
EiendomsMegler 1
Midt-Norge AS
57,803 5,505 11 294 90 369 326 43 120
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet AS 326,160 30,200 11 743 33 52 70 -18 899
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN AS konsern 14,280 238 60 105 33 133 123 10 64
Allegro Kapitalforvaltning ASA 6,000 6,000 1 47 11 41 34 7 11
SpareBank 1 Bygget
Steinkjer AS
6,100 100 61 48 0 4 4 0 53
SpareBank 1 Bygget
Trondheim AS
94,236 100,000 1 188 7 30 28 2 75
SpareBank 1 SMN Card Solutions AS 200 2,000 0 28 20 30 28 2 19
Brannstasjonen SMN AS 10,000 100,000 0 74 1 3 3 0 73
St. Olavs Plass 1 SMN AS 10,000 100,000 0 76 0 7 7 1 75
SpareBank 1 Bilplan AS 5,769 41,206 0 35 31 121 122 -1 9
Total investments in other subsidiaries             2,119
Total investments in Group companies, Parent Bank             2,442

Shares in associates and joint ventures

Associates and joint ventures are recorded at acquisition cost in the Parent Bank. Group figures are presented by the equity method.  

Parent Bank   Group
2013 2014 (NOK million) 2014 2013
3,115 3,138 As at 1 January 4,624 4,573
89 223 Acquisition/sale 176 19
-66 - Reclassification 0 -105
- - Equity capital changes -17 12
- - Profit share 527 355
- - Dividend paid -182 -229
3,138 3,361 Book value as at 31 December 5,129 4,624


Specification of year's change, Group  Additions/disposal  Equity change
SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS - -16
BN Bank ASA - -0
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS 68 -0
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt AS 35 -
SpareBank 1 Markets AS 31 -
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort AS 107 -
SpareBank 1 Kundesenter AS -0 -
SpareBank 1 Verdipapirservice AS -14 -
Companies owned by sparebank Regnskapshuset SMN AS -19 -
Molde Kunnskapspark AS     -0 -
Development companies owned by SpareBank 1 SMN Invest     -30 -
Total 176 -17

Income from investments in associates and joint ventures

Profit share from affiliates and joint ventures is specified in the table below. Badwill and amortisation effects related to acquisitions are included in the profit share.

Parent Bank   Group
2013 2014 (NOK million)  2014 2013
    Profit share from:    
- - SpareBank 1 Gruppen Group 360 210
- - Bank 1 Oslo Akershus AS - 2
- - SpareBank1 Boligkreditt AS 38 40
- - BN Bank ASA 93 91
- - SpareBank 1 Markets AS  -32 -1
- - SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt AS 41 8
- - SpareBank 1 Verdipapirservice AS - -3
- - SpareBank 1 Kredittkort AS  2 -4
- - Development companies owned by SpareBank 1 SMN Invest 31 14
- - Other companies -5 -1
    Dividends from:    
134 33 SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS -33 -134
26 58 SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS -58 -26
62 79 BN Bank ASA -79 -62
7 11 SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt AS  -11 -7
0 - Other companies -0 -0
229 182 Total income from associates and joint ventures 345 126

Company information on the Group's stakes in affiliates and joint ventures

The tables below contain company or Group accounting figures on a 100 per cent share basis, except for profit share which is stated as the SpareBank 1 SMN Group’s share. Booked value is the consolidated value in the SpareBank 1 SMN Group.

2014 (NOK million) Assets Liabilities Total income Total costs Profit share Book value 31.12 Ownership share No. of shares
SpareBank 1 Gruppen konsern 55,408 48,013 12,623 10,775 360 1,421 19.5 % 364,728
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS 227,594 219,117 317 110 38 1,498 17.7 % 9,284,830
BN Bank ASA 35,787 32,146 647 366 93 1,201 33.0 % 4,658,389
SpareBank 1 Markets AS 566 380 108 221 -32 25 27.3 % 14,333
SpareBank 1
Næringskreditt AS
18,161 16,217 174 56 41 653 33.6 % 4,909,200
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort AS 4,772 3,992 420 408 2 143 18.4 % 125,877
Other companies           32    
Total           4,974    

Development companies owned by SpareBank 1 SMN Invest (not included in the foregoing table)

Activity levels in 2014 were high at the development companies Grilstad Marina AS, GMN 51 AS, GMN 52 AS, GMN 53 AS , GMN 54 AS, GMN 6 AS and Hommelvik Sjøside  AS. Further, in 2014 Hommelvik Sjøside AS completed and handed over the third and fourth construction stage, and Grilstad Marina AS completed and handed over the second construction stage.

The above development companies are booked in the Group accounts at NOK 154.8m as at 31 December 2014.

2013 (NOK million)  Assets Liabilities Total income Total costs Profit share Book value 31.12 Ownership share No. of shares
SpareBank 1 Gruppen konsern 50,702 44,899 12,733 11,633 210 1,113 19.5 % 364,728
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS 206,166 197,884 332 116 40 1,451 17.7 % 9,737,324
BN Bank ASA 37,505 33,904 693 441 91 1,188 33.0 % 4,658,389
SpareBank 1 Markets AS 674 495 194 271 -1 26 23.8 % 14,333
SpareBank 1
Næringskreditt AS
15,767 14,031 54 25 8 590 34.1 % 4,645,000
SpareBank 1
Verdipapirservice AS
88 38 4 14 -3 14 27.9 % 332,568
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort AS  208 18 0 23 -4 34 18.1 % 125,877
Other companies           54    
Total           4,470    

Companies held for sale

SpareBank 1 SMN's strategy is that ownership duse to defaulted exposures should at the outset be of brief duration, normally not longer than one year. Investments are recorded at fair value in the Parent Bank's accounts. In the Group accounts one-line consolidation is undertaken.  

The tables below contain company or Group accounting figures on a 100 per cent  share basis.

2014 (NOK million) Assets Liabilities Total
Total costs Company's result
of the year
No. of
Mavi XV AS Group 45 0 6 -6 0 100 % 60,000
Norway Cod AS (Skei Marinfisk AS)  47 18 3 5 -1 100 % 2,000
Other minor companies 6 1 1 1 -1 100 %  
2013 (NOK million) Assets Liabilities Total
Total costs Company's result
of the year
No. of
Mavi XV AS Group 100 40 33 9 24 100 % 60,000
Ranheim Eiendomsutvikling AS 8 1 0 0 0 100 % 100
Norway Cod AS (Skei Marinfisk AS)  50 20 0 0 0 100 % 2,000
Other minor companies 55 20 32 9 24 100 %  

Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN