Note 37 - Other debt and liabilities

Parent Bank   Group
31 Dec 22 31 Dec 23 Other debt and recognised liabilities (NOK million) 31 Dec 23 31 Dec 22
72 178 Deferred tax 236 127
611 793 Payable tax 880 705
13 22 Capital tax 22 13
97 140 Accruals 442 388
427 533 Provisions 533 427
66 52 Loss provision guarantees 52 66
6 9 Pension liabilities 9 6
233 260 Lease liabilities 403 339
97 9 Drawing debt 9 97
73 132 Creditors 191 116
176 -15 Debt from securities -15 176
196 148 Other 243 265
2,067 2,262 Total other debt and recognised liabilities 3,005 2,725
    Other liabilities, not recognised    
4,461 5,354 Credit limits, trading 5,354 4,461
- - Other commitments 50 44
4,461 5,354 Total other commitments 5,404 4,505
6,529 7,616 Total commitments 8,410 7,230
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As from 1 March 2017 the bank is required under the European market infrastructure regulation (EMIR) to have in place a CSA with daily exchange of margin collateral etc. with all financial counterparties with which the bank deals domiciled (inter alia) in an EU member state. The Emir regulation regulates OTC derivatives and entails inter alia that SpareBank 1 SMN will be entitled to clear certain derivatives transactions through a central counterparty. This mainly applies to interest rate derivatives in euro and Norwegian kroner. Derivatives are cleared through London Clearing House as central counterparty where cash is the only collateral at present. SpareBank 1 SMN is not a direct member of London Clearing House, but has entered an agreement with Commerzbank  and SEB as clearing broker. The liabilities are presented gross in the table below.

SpareBank 1 SMN is registered as a GCM member of NASDAQ OMX Clearing AB. The bank offers customers clearing representation related to their trade in electricity and salmon derivatives on NASDAQ OMX Oslo ASA and Fish Pool ASA. Clearing representation entails that the bank substitutes itself in the place of the client as counterparty to NASDAQ OMX Clearing AB and takes on the obligation towards NASDAQ to furnish margin collateral and to execute settlement of contracts and pay charges. For the bank's exposure as a GCM, clients will furnish collateral in the form of a deposit of cash and/or encumbrance of other assets.

Parent Bank     Group
 Cash deposit   Securities   Total  Securities pledged  Total   Securities   Cash deposit 
1,268 - 1,268 Securities pledged 31 December 2023 1,268 - 1,268
1,685 - 1,685 Relevant liabilities 31 December 2023 1,685 - 1,685
3,089 - 3,089 Securities pledged 31 December 2022 3,089 - 3,089
3,811 - 3,811 Relevant liabilities 31 December 2022 3,811 - 3,811
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Ongoing lawsuits

The Group is not involved in legal disputes that are considered to be of substantial significance for the Group's financial position. It can nevertheless be mentioned that SpareBank 1 SMN has a case concerning embezzlement for the period December 2022 to January 2023, and we will follow up claims with a basis on this case. Furthermore, a case where SpareBank 1 SMN is indirectly in dispute with Tieto Evry regarding remuneration for deliveries is currently unclear, as the appeal period follow the district court's decision in Tieto Evry's disfavor has not expired. No loss provision has been made as at 31 December 2023.


The group has made provisions for pension liabilities, see note 22, specified losses on guarantees, see note 10, restructuring and gifts. The provision for restructuring is made based on the downsizing plan. Provision on gifts is the part of previous year’s profit to be allocated to non-profit causes. More on this topic in the section corporate social responsibility.

Parent Bank/Group (NOK million) Pension
Provisions at 1 January 2023 6 1 425
Additional provisions in the period - - 230
Amounts used in the period -3 0 -198
Amounts unused reversed in the period - - -
The increase during the period in the discounted amount that occurs over time, and the effect of any changes in the discount rate - - -
Other 0 - -
Provisions at 31 December 2023 4 2 456
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Parent Bank/Group (NOK million) Pension
Provisions at 1 January 2022 8 33 314
Additional provisions in the period - - 250
Amounts used in the period -1 -31 -139
Amounts unused reversed in the period - - -
The increase during the period in the discounted amount that occurs over time, and the effect of any changes in the discount rate - - -
Other -1 - -
Provisions at 31 December 2022 6 1 425
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Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN