Note 10 - Losses on loans and guarantees

Accounting Policy

Loan loss provisions are recognised based on expected credit loss (ECL). The general model for provisions for loss of financial assets in IFRS 9 applies to both financial assets measured at amortised cost and to financial assets at fair value with changes in value through profit or loss, which are not impaired when purchased or issued. In addition, unused credit, loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts that are not measured at fair value through profit or loss are also included. 

Measurement of the provision for expected loss depends on whether credit risk has increased significantly since first- time recognition. Upon first-time recognition, and when credit risk has not increased significantly since first-time recognition, provision shall be made for expected loss occuring due to defaults that occur within 12 months.

If credit risk has risen significantly, provision shall be made for expected loss across the entire life. Loss estimates are prepared quarterly, and build on data in the data warehouse which has historical accounting and customer data for the entire credit portfolio. The bank uses three macroeconomic scenarios to take into account non-linear aspects of expected losses. The various scenarios are used to adjust relevant parameters for calculating expected losses, and a probability-weighted average of expected losses under the respective scenarios is recognised as a loss

Loss estimates are computed based on 12-month and lifelong probability of default (PD), loss given default (LGD) and exposure at default (EAD). The data warehouse contains historical data for observed PD and observed LGD. This forms the basis for estimating future values for PD and LGD. In keeping with IFRS 9 the bank groups its loans in three stages.

Stage 1:
This is the starting point for all financial assets covered by the general loss model. All assets that do not have significantly higher credit risk than at first-time recognition receive a loss provision corresponding to 12 months’ expected loss. All assets that are not transferred to stage 2 or 3 reside in this category.

Stage 2:
Stage 2 of the loss model encompasses assets that show a significant increase in credit risk since first-time recognition, but where objective evidence of loss is not present. For these assets a provision for expected loss over the entire lifetime is to be made. In this group we find accounts with a significant degree of credit deterioration, but which at the balance sheet date belong to customers classified as performing. As regards delineation against stage 1, the bank defines ‘significant degree of credit deterioration’ by taking a basis in whether the exposure’s calculated probability of default shows a significant increase. SpareBank 1 SMN has decided to utilise both absolute and relative changes in PD as criteria for transfer to stage 2. The most important factor for a significant change in credit risk is the quantitative change in PD on the period end compared to the PD at first time recognition. A change in PD by more than 150 per cent is considered to be a significant change in credit risk. The change will have to be over 0.6 percentage points. In addition, customers with payments 30 days past due will be transferred to stage 2. A qualitative assessment is also done when engagements have been put on watch list or given forbearance.

The thresholds for movement between Stage 1 and Stage 2 are symmetrical. After a financial asset has transferred to Stage 2, if its credit risk is no longer considered to have significantly increased relative to its initial recognition, the financial asset will move back to Stage 1. 

Stage 3:
Stage 3 of the loss model encompasses assets that show a significant increase in credit risk since loan approval and where there is objective evidence of loss at the balance sheet date. For these assets a provision shall be made for expected loss over the entire lifetime. These are assets which under previous rules were defined as defaulted and written down.

Impairment must be a result of one or more events occurring after first-time recognition (a loss event), and it must be possible to measure the result of the loss event(s) reliably. Objective evidence of impairment of a financial asset includes observable data which come to the group’s knowledge on the following loss events:

  • significant financial difficulties on the part of the issuer or borrower
  • a not insignificant breach of contract, such as failure to pay instalments and interest
  • the group grants the borrower special terms in light of financial or legal aspects of the borrower’s situation
  • the debtor is likely to start debt negotiation or other financial restructuring

The group assesses first whether individual objective evidence exists that individually significant financial assets have suffered impairment. Where there is objective evidence of impairment, the size of the impairment is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying value and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred), discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate. The carrying value of the asset is reduced through a provision account and the loss is recognised in the income statement.

Defaulted or non-performing loans
Default is defined in two categories: 1) payment default or 2) default based on manual default marking.

1) Payment default is defined as material payment arrears or overdrafts of more than 90 days’ duration. Threshold values for material arrears or overdrafts are set out in the Norwegian CRR/CRD IV regulations.

2) Default resulting from manual default marking is based to a larger degree on individual credit assessments, and to a lesser degree on automatic mechanisms. Events included in this category are provision for loss on a customer loan, bankruptcy/debt restructuring, forbearance assessments, deferment of interest and instalment payments for more than 180 days, or other indications suggesting considerable doubt as to whether the borrower will perform his obligations.

The new default definition entails the introduction of a ‘waiting period’ during which borrowers are categorised as still in default after the default has been rectified. The waiting period is three months or 12 months depending on the underlying cause of the default.

Furthermore, rules on default marking at group level are introduced whereby corporate customers in default to a group company (e.g. SpareBank 1 SMN Finans Midt-Norge) will also be considered to be in default to the bank. For personal customers, threshold values are specified for default contagion in the group. Where a defaulted exposure exceeds 20 per cent of total exposure, the exposure will be considered to be in default at group level.

Actual loan losses
Write-down for actual losses (derecognition of book value) are made when the bank has no reasonable expectations to recover the asset in its whole or partially. Criteria for write-down are as follows:

. Closed bankruptcy in limited liability companies
· Confirmed chord / debt negotiations
· Settlement for other companies with limited liability
· Ended living at death
· By lawful judgment
· Collateral is realized

The commitment will normally be placed on long-term monitoring in case the debtor should again become solvent and suable.

Financial guarantees issued
Financial guarantees are contracts that require the bank to reimburse the holder for a loss due to a specific debtor failure to pay in accordance with the terms is classified as issued financial guarantees. On initial recognition of issued financial guarantees, the guarantees are recognised in the balance sheet at the received consideration for the guarantee. Subsequent measurement assesses issued financials
guarantees to the highest amount of the loss provision and the amount that was recognised at initial recognition less any cumulative income recognised in the income statement. When issuing financial guarantees, the consideration for the guarantee is recognised under "Other liabilities" in the balance sheet. Revenue from issued financial guarantees and costs related to purchased financial guarantees is amortised over the duration of the instrument and presented as "Commission income" or "Commission expenses". Changes in expected credit losses are included in the line «Losses on loans and guarantees» in the income statement.

Loan commitments
Expected credit losses are calculated for loan commitments and presented as "Other liabilities" in the balance sheet. Changes in the provision for expected losses are presented in the line «Losses on loans and guarantees» in the income statement. For instruments that have both a drawn portion and an unutilised limit, expected credit losses are distributed pro-rata between provisions for loan losses and provisions in the balance sheet based on the relative proportion of exposure.


  2023 2022
Parent Bank (NOKm) RM CM Total RM CM Total
Change in provision for expected credit losses  4 -59 -55 29 -97 -68
Actual loan losses on commitments exceeding provisions made 11 146 157 7 38 45
Recoveries on commitments previously written-off -21 -153 -174 -7 -7 -14
Losses for the period on loans and guarantees -6 -66 -72 29 -66 -37
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  2023 2022
Group (NOKm) RM CM Total RM CM Total
Change in provision for expected credit losses  1 -7 -6 38 -86 -48
Actual loan losses on commitments exceeding provisions made 47 168 215 13 45 58
Recoveries on commitments previously written-off -40 -155 -195 -7 -10 -17
Losses for the period on loans and guarantees 8 6 14 44 -51 -7
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In 2023, the Group has written off NOK 296 million, which are still subject to enforcement activities, the corresponding figure for 2022 was NOK 193 million. 

Parent Bank (NOKm) 1 Jan 23 Merge Søre Sunnmøre Change in provision Net write-offs /recoveries  31 Dec 23
Loans as amortised cost- CM 921 32 -101 -181 671
Loans as amortised cost- RM 35 11 2 -5 43
Loans at fair value over OCI- RM 147 - -10 - 137
Loans at fair value over OCI- CM 2 - 11 - 13
Provision for expected credit losses on loans and guarantees  1,106 43 -99 -186 864
Presented as          
Provision for loan losses  999 41 -77 -186 776
Other debt- provisons 67 2 -16 - 53
Other comprehensive income - fair value adjustment  40 - -5 - 36
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Parent Bank (NOKm) 1 Jan 22 Change in provision Net write-offs /recoveries  31 Dec 22
Loans as amortised cost- CM 1,298 -98 -278 921
Loans as amortised cost- RM 31 10 -5 35
Loans at fair value over OCI- RM 128 19 - 147
Loans at fair value over OCI- CM 1 1 - 2
Provision for expected credit losses on loans and guarantees  1,458 -68 -284 1,106
Presented as        
Provision for loan losses  1,348 -65 -284 999
Other debt- provisons 79 -12 - 67
Other comprehensive income - fair value adjustment  31 9 - 40
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Group (NOKm) 1 Jan 2023 Merge Søre Sunnmøre Change in provision Net write-offs /recoveries  31 Dec 2023
Loans as amortised cost- CM 976 32 -44 -181 777
Loans as amortised cost- RM 63 11 -1 -5 68
Loans at fair value over OCI- RM 147 - -10 - 137
Loans at fair value over OCI- CM 2 - 11 - 13
Provision for expected credit losses on loans and guarantees  1,188 43 -44 -186 995
Presented as          
Provision for loan losses  1,081 41 -23 -186 907
Other debt- provisons 67 2 -16 - 53
Other comprehensive income - fair value adjustment  40 - -5 - 36
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Group (NOKm) 1 Jan 2022 Change in provision Net write-offs /recoveries  31 Dec 2022
Loans as amortised cost- CM 1,343 -88 -280 976
Loans as amortised cost- RM 49 19 -5 63
Loans at fair value over OCI- RM 128 19 - 147
Loans at fair value over OCI- CM 1 1 - 2
Provision for expected credit losses on loans and guarantees  1,520 -48 -285 1,188
Presented as        
Provision for loan losses  1,410 -45 -285 1,081
Other debt- provisons 79 -12 - 67
Other comprehensive income - fair value adjustment  31 9 - 40
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Accrual for losses on loans    
  31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
Parent Bank (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Retail market                
Opening balance 46 93 42 181 39 82 36 156
Transfer to (from) stage 1 18 -18 -0 - 18 -18 -0 -
Transfer to (from) stage 2 -3 3 -0 - -2 2 -0 -
Transfer to (from) stage 3 -0 -8 9 - -0 -6 6 -
Net remeasurement of loss allowances -26 19 -5 -12 -24 20 7 4
Originations or purchases 15 20 3 37 17 24 4 45
Derecognitions -14 -31 -4 -49 -12 -24 -3 -39
Changes due to changed input assumptions 3 16 8 27 9 13 -2 20
Actual loan losses 0 0 -5 -5 - - -5 -5
Closing balance  38 95 45 179 46 93 42 181
Corporate Market                
Opening balance 138 298 421 858 84 268 871 1,223
Transfer to (from) stage 1 59 -59 -0 - 75 -74 -1 -
Transfer to (from) stage 2 -14 24 -10 - -5 97 -92 -
Transfer to (from) stage 3 -1 -5 6 - -1 -3 4 -
Net remeasurement of loss allowances -58 11 9 -38 -67 -35 -66 -168
Originations or purchases 90 35 37 163 49 34 4 87
Derecognitions -52 -68 -15 -136 -33 -31 -24 -88
Changes due to changed input assumptions -2 31 -62 -33 37 41 4 83
Actual loan losses - - -181 -181 - - -278 -278
Closing balance  160 267 205 633 138 298 421 858
Total accrual for loan losses 198 363 251 812 184 391 463 1,039
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  31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
Group (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Retail market                
Opening balance 55 107 47 209 45 89 40 174
Transfer to (from) stage 1 21 -20 -1 - 20 -20 -0 -
Transfer to (from) stage 2 -4 5 -1 - -3 3 -1 -
Transfer to (from) stage 3 -1 -10 11 - -0 -7 7 -
Net remeasurement of loss allowances -28 25 -6 -9 -24 25 8 9
Originations or purchases 19 25 3 47 22 30 4 56
Derecognitions -17 -34 -7 -58 -13 -26 -4 -43
Changes due to changed input assumptions -0 14 7 21 8 13 -3 18
Actual loan losses - - -5 -5 - - -5 -5
Closing balance  46 111 46 204 55 107 47 209
Corporate Market                
Opening balance 151 311 450 912 94 278 896 1,268
Transfer to (from) stage 1 63 -63 -0 - 77 -76 -1 -
Transfer to (from) stage 2 -18 28 -10 - -7 99 -92 -
Transfer to (from) stage 3 -1 -6 7 - -2 -3 4 -
Net remeasurement of loss allowances -59 22 60 23 -68 -30 -47 -145
Originations or purchases 96 46 38 181 55 35 5 95
Derecognitions -54 -70 -16 -140 -34 -33 -26 -93
Changes due to changed input assumptions -5 29 -75 -51 35 40 -8 67
Actual loan losses - - -186 -186 - - -280 -280
Closing balance  172 299 268 739 151 311 450 912
Total accrual for loan losses 218 410 314 943 206 418 497 1,121
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Accrual for losses on guarantees and unused credit lines
  31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
Parent Bank and Group (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Opening balance 24 34 9 67 19 55 5 79
Transfer to (from) stage 1 6 -6 -0 - 16 -16 -0 -
Transfer to (from) stage 2 -2 2 -0 - -1 1 -0 -
Transfer to (from) stage 3 -0 -1 1 - -0 -0 1 -
Net remeasurement of loss allowances -13 -4 2 -15 -16 -3 3 -15
Originations or purchases 9 4 0 13 12 6 0 18
Derecognitions -6 -8 -1 -15 -4 -12 -0 -16
Changes due to changed input assumptions 0 5 -3 2 -3 3 0 1
Actual loan losses - - - - - - - -
Closing balance  18 27 8 53 24 34 9 67
Of which                
Retail market       1       1
Corporate Market       51       66
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Provision for credit losses specified by industry
  31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
Parent Bank (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Agriculture and forestry 3 44 10 57 4 38 18 60
Fisheries and hunting 6 33 - 39 11 12 0 23
Sea farming industries 5 0 0 5 3 1 1 5
Manufacturing 15 31 13 59 9 47 2 58
Construction, power and water supply 46 25 28 99 26 22 11 59
Retail trade, hotels and restaurants 8 13 1 23 16 14 1 32
Maritime sector 7 54 103 164 19 117 184 320
Property management 44 92 22 159 34 55 28 117
Business services 17 16 24 57 13 24 177 214
Transport and other services 10 6 13 29 9 11 16 36
Public administration 0 - - 0 0 - - 0
Other sectors 1 0 - 1 0 0 - 0
Wage earners 1 47 35 83 1 50 25 75
Total provision for losses on loans 163 363 251 776 144 391 463 999
loan loss allowance on loans at FVOCI 36     36 40     40
Total loan loss allowance 198 363 251 812 184 391 463 1,039
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  31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
Group (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Agriculture and forestry 4 46 10 60 5 40 19 64
Fisheries and hunting 6 33 0 39 11 12 0 23
Sea farming industries 6 0 0 6 4 1 4 9
Manufacturing 18 36 13 68 11 50 8 70
Construction, power and water supply 46 42 33 121 30 25 16 71
Retail trade, hotels and restaurants 11 15 2 28 17 15 2 34
Maritime sector 7 54 103 164 19 117 184 320
Property management 45 93 22 160 35 55 29 118
Business services 19 18 78 114 15 25 184 224
Transport and other services 12 11 16 39 12 16 21 49
Public administration 0 - - 0 0 - - 0
Other sectors 1 0 - 1 0 0 0 0
Wage earners 8 62 36 106 8 61 29 99
Total provision for losses on loans 183 410 314 907 166 418 497 1,081
loan loss allowance on loans at FVOCI 36     36 40     40
Total loan loss allowance 218 410 314 943 206 418 497 1,121
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  31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
Parent Bank (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Retail Market                
Opening balance 80,994 3,962 527 85,484 82,299 3,892 444 86,636
Transfer to stage 1 895 -868 -27 - 1,075 -1,060 -15 -
Transfer to stage 2 -1,538 1,557 -18 - -1,403 1,411 -8 -
Transfer to stage 3 -38 -156 194 - -32 -119 150 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -2,305 -95 -6 -2,406 -2,501 -106 -15 -2,623
New loans 42,690 1,549 222 44,460 38,691 1,418 120 40,229
Derecognitions -29,797 -1,395 -149 -31,342 -37,136 -1,473 -137 -38,746
Financial assets with actual loan losses 0 0 -18 -18 -0 -1 -11 -12
Closing balance 90,901 4,553 725 96,178 80,994 3,962 527 85,484
Corporate Market                
Opening balance 43,127 5,883 1,346 50,356 38,359 5,186 2,656 46,201
Transfer to stage 1 1,026 -1,021 -5 - 1,839 -1,820 -19 -
Transfer to stage 2 -2,669 2,670 -1 - -1,699 2,606 -908 -
Transfer to stage 3 -72 -44 116 - -67 -72 139 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -1,099 -485 -10 -1,594 -731 -257 -3 -990
New loans 17,922 816 351 19,089 17,124 1,661 86 18,872
Derecognitions -10,901 -828 -335 -12,064 -11,697 -1,415 -514 -13,625
Financial assets with actual loan losses -7 -2 -298 -307 -3 -8 -91 -102
Closing balance 47,327 6,988 1,165 55,480 43,127 5,883 1,346 50,356
Fixed interest loans at FV 5,582 - - 5,582 4,709 - - 4,709
Total gross loans at the end of the period 143,809 11,541 1,890 157,240 128,830 9,845 1,874 140,549
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  31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
Group (NOKm) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Total
Retail Market                
Opening balance 86,972 4,901 635 92,508 87,577 4,612 531 92,721
Transfer to stage 1 1,138 -1,108 -30 - 1,278 -1,261 -17 -
Transfer to stage 2 -1,955 1,978 -23 - -1,771 1,784 -13 -
Transfer to stage 3 -59 -219 277 - -40 -151 190 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -2,272 -165 -20 -2,457 -2,177 -170 -25 -2,372
New loans 45,658 1,781 231 47,670 41,570 1,801 129 43,500
Derecognitions -32,519 -1,694 -227 -34,440 -39,465 -1,714 -150 -41,329
Financial assets with actual loan losses -0 -0 -18 -18 -0 -1 -11 -12
Closing balance 96,963 5,474 825 103,263 86,972 4,901 635 92,508
Corporate Market                
Opening balance 47,621 6,460 1,410 55,491 41,855 5,768 2,759 50,382
Transfer to stage 1 1,207 -1,199 -8 - 2,090 -2,045 -45 -
Transfer to stage 2 -3,639 3,655 -17 - -2,042 2,959 -917 -
Transfer to stage 3 -101 -80 180 - -97 -88 185 -
Net increase/decrease amount existing loans  -1,103 -692 -23 -1,818 -761 -329 -13 -1,104
New loans 19,159 1,339 368 20,866 19,085 1,751 109 20,945
Derecognitions -11,811 -949 -354 -13,114 -12,507 -1,546 -577 -14,629
Financial assets with actual loan losses -7 -2 -297 -306 -3 -8 -91 -102
Balance at 31 December 51,327 8,533 1,259 61,119 47,621 6,460 1,410 55,491
Closing balance                
Fixed interest loans at FV 5,480 - - 5,480 4,631 - - 4,631
Total gross loans at the end of the period 153,770 14,007 2,085 169,862 139,224 11,361 2,044 152,629
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Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN