Income statement

Parent bank     Group
2022 2023 (NOKm) Note 2023 2022
4,740 9,219 Interest income effective interest method 17 9,721 5,207
724 1,548 Other interest income 17 1,542 720
2,583 6,622 Interest expenses 17 6,631 2,588
2,880 4,144 Net interest 4 4,632 3,339
1,192 1,117 Commission income 18 1,370 1,446
90 114 Commission expenses 18 199 186
55 73 Other operating income 18 913 781
1,156 1,076 Commission income and other income 4 2,084 2,042
677 711 Dividends 19,44 26 33
- - Income from investment in related companies 19,39 297 442
-123 464 Net return on financial investments 19 476 -94
554 1,176 Net return on financial investments 4 799 380
4,590 6,396 Total income   7,515 5,760
661 849 Staff costs 20,22 1,691 1,406
841 1,121 Other operating expenses 21,31,32,33 1,326 1,038
1,502 1,969 Total operating expenses 4 3,017 2,443
3,088 4,426 Result before losses   4,498 3,317
-37 -72 Loss on loans, guarantees etc. 4,1 14 -7
3,125 4,498 Result before tax   4,484 3,324
631 820 Tax charge 23 904 718
- - Result investment held for sale, after tax 39 108 179
2,494 3,678 Net profit   3,688 2,785
60 122 Attributable to additional Tier 1 Capital holders   125 63
1,557 2,376 Attributable to Equity capital certificate holders   2,331 1,658
877 1,181 Attributable to the saving bank reserve   1,159 934
- - Attributable to non-controlling interests   74 130
2,494 3,678 Net profit   3,688 2,785
    Profit/diluted profit per ECC   16.88 12.82
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Other comprehensive income

Parent bank     Group
2022 2023 (NOKm) Note 2023 2022
2,494 3,678 Net profit   3,688 2,785
    Items that will not be reclassified to profit/loss      
177 -27 Actuarial gains and losses pensions 22 -27 177
-44 7 Tax   7 -44
- - Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint venture   6 4
133 -20 Total   -14 137
    Items that will be reclassified to profit/loss      
9 -5 Value changes on loans measured at fair value   -5 9
- - Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint venture   -140 113
9 -5 Total   -145 122
142 -25 Net other comprehensive income   -158 259
2,636 3,653 Total comprehensive income   3,530 3,044
60 122 Attributable to additional Tier 1 Capital holders   125 63
1,647 2,359 Attributable to Equity capital certificate holders   2,225 1,823
929 1,173 Attributable to the saving bank reserve   1,106 1,028
- - Attributable to non-controlling interests   74 130
2,636 3,653 Total comprehensive Income   3,530 3,044
Other comprehensive income comprise items reflected directly in equity capital that are not transactions with owners, cf. IAS 1.
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Annual report and notes

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