Financial summary (Group)

Income statement NOKm 1) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Interest income 11,262 5,927 6,315 4,197 4,626 4,057 3,825 3 597 4 031 4 265
Interest expenses 6,631 2,588 2,977 1,439 1,939 1,655 1,600 1 714 2 159 2 475
Net interest and credit comissionincome 4,632 3,339 3,339 2,759 2,687 2,403 2,225 1 883 1 872 1 790
Commision and fee income 2,084 2,042 2,042 2,572 2,290 2,177 2,005 1 674 1 545 1 512
Income from investment in relatedcompanies 297 442 442 681 879 423 443  423  448  527
Return on financial investements 502 -61 -61 269 322 334 317  521  11  193
Total income 7,515 5,760 5,760 6,281 6,178 5,337 4,989 4 502 3 876 4 021
Salaries, fees and otherpersonnel costs 1,691 1,406 1,406 1,883 1,699 1,584 1,426 1 159 1 093 1 002
Other operating expenses 1,326 1,038 1,038 1,069 1,098 1,040 943  844  838  787
Total costs 3,017 2,443 2,443 2,952 2,797 2,624 2,369 2 003 1 931 1 789
Operating profit before losses 4,498 3,317 3,317 3,329 3,380 2,713 2,621 2 499 1 945 2 232
Losses on loans and guarantees 14 -7 -7 951 299 263 341  516  169  89
Operating profit 4,484 3,324 3,324 2,378 3,081 2,450 2,279 1 983 1 776 2 143
Taxes 904 718 718 400 518 509 450  341  370  362
Result investment Held for sale 108 179 179 1 0 149 -1  4 - 1  0
Profit of the year 3,688 2,785 2,785 1,978 2,563 2,090 1,828 1 647 1 406 1 782
Dividend 1,730 840 840 569 840 661 571  389  292  292
Balance sheet NOKm                    
Cash and loans to and claims on credit institutions 9,917 12,834 5,956 7,856 2,871 5,957 7,527 4,207 5,677 5,965
CDs, bonds and other interest-bearing securities 50,655 53,792 44,024 43,522 35,508 32,438 31,672 29,489 30,282 27,891
Loans before loss provisions 169,862 152,629 147,301 134,648 126,277 120,473 112,071 102,325 93,974 90,578
- Loan loss provisions 907 1,081 1,410 1,517 998 744 1,113 971 559 467
Other assets 3,189 5,137 2,974 3,403 3,004 2,581 3,096 3,030 2,540 2,080
Total assets 232,717 223,312 198,845 187,912 166,662 160,705 153,254 138,080 131,914 126,047
Debt to credit institutions 13,160 14,636 15,063 13,095 8,853 9,214 9,607 10,509 8,155 9,123
Deposits from and debt to customers 132,888 122,010 111,286 97,529 85,917 80,615 76,476 67,168 64,090 60,680
Debt created by issuance of securities 52,818 55,781 44,241 51,098 46,541 47,251 45,537 40,390 40,569 39,254
Other debt and accrued expences etc. 3,007 3,818 3,217 3,085 2,841 2,671 1,924 1,532 1,734 1,095
Subordinated debt 2,247 2,058 1,796 1,795 2,090 2,268 2,201 3,182 3,463 3,371
Total equity 28,597 25,009 23,241 21,310 20,420 18,686 17,510 15,299 13,904 12,524
Total liabilities and equity 232,717 223,312 198,845 187,912 166,662 160,705 153,254 138,080 131,914 126,047
Key figures                    
Total assets 232,717 223,312 198,845 187,912 166,662 160,704 153,254 138,080 131,914 126,047
Average total assets 235,303 213,112 196,229 183,428 165,154 156,992 145,948 137,060 128,355 117,794
Profit as a percentage of total assets 1.6 % 1.2 % 1.4 % 1.1 % 1.5 % 1.3 % 1.2 % 1.2 % 1.1 % 1.4 %
Gross loans to customers 169,862 152,629 147,301 134,648 126,277 120,473 112,071 102,325 93,974 90,578
Gross loans to customers incl. SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt and SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt 236,329 211,244 195,353 182,801 167,777 160,317 148,784 137,535 127,378 120,435
Gross loans in retail market 159,777 141,833 132,894 124,461 115,036 108,131 98,697 89,402 80,725 74,087
Gross loans in corporate market 76,553 69,411 62,458 58,340 52,740 52,186 50,087 48,133 46,653 46,348
Deposits from and debt to customers 132,888 122,010 111,286 97,529 85,917 80,615 76,476 67,168 64,090 60,680
Deposits from retail market 57,874 48,316 44,589 40,600 35,664 33,055 31,797 29,769 28,336 26,496
Deposits from corporate market 75,015 73,693 66,697 56,928 50,253 47,561 44,678 37,398 35,754 34,184
Ordinary lending financed by ordinary deposits 78 % 80 % 76 % 72 % 68 % 67 % 68 % 66 % 68 % 67 %
Ordinary lending incl. SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt and SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt financed by ordinary deposits 56 % 58 % 57 % 53 % 51 % 50 % 51 % 49 % 50 % 50 %
Capital adequacy                    
CET 1 Capital 21,589 19,776 17,790 17,041 15,830 14,727 13,820 13,229 12,192 10,679
Core capital 23,793 21,835 19,322 18,636 17,742 16,472 15,707 15,069 13,988 12,382
Primary capital 26,399 24,147 21,333 20,759 19,854 18,743 17,629 17,185 16,378 14,937
Risk weighted volume 114,633 104,716 98,664 93,096 91,956 101,168 94,807 88,788 89,465 95,317
CET 1 Ratio 18.8 % 18.9 % 18.0 % 18.3 % 17.2 % 14.6 % 14.6 % 14.9 % 13.6 % 11.2 %
Core capital ratio 20.8 % 20.9 % 19.6 % 20.0 % 19.3 % 16.3 % 16.6 % 17.0 % 15.6 % 13.0 %
Capital ratio 23.0 % 23.1 % 21.6 % 22.3 % 21.6 % 18.5 % 18.6 % 19.4 % 18.3 % 15.7 %
Leverage ratio 7.2 % 7.1 % 6.9 % 7.1 % 7.5 % 7.4 % 7.2 % 7.4 % 6.7 % 6.0 %
Cost/income ratio 45 % 42 % 45 % 47 % 45 % 49 % 47 % 44 % 50 % 44 %
Losses on loans 0.01 % 0.00 % 0.09 % 0.54 % 0.18 % 0.17 % 0.23 % 0.39 % 0.14 % 0,08 %
ROE 14.4 % 12.3 % 13.5 % 10.0 % 13.7 % 12.2 % 11.5 % 11.3 % 10.7 % 15.1 %
Growth in lending (gross) 11.9 % 8.1 % 6.9 % 9.0 % 4.7 % 7,8 % 8.2 % 8.0 % 5.8 % 7.3 %
Growth in deposits 8.9 % 9.6 % 14.1 % 13.5 % 6.6 % 5.4 % 13.9 % 4.8 % 5.6 % 8.5 %
Number of staff 1) 1,737 1,498 1,449 1,653 1,634 1,588 1,482 1,328 1,298 1,273
Number of FTEs 1) 1,545 1,432 1,432 1,560 1,509 1,493 1,403 1,254 1,208 1,192
Number of branches 46 40 40 45 46 48 48  48  49  49
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1)Comparable figures for 2021 have been restated due to the reclassification of the subsidiary SpareBank 1 Markets to held for sale from Q4 2022. See further information in note 3. Prior year figures have not been restated. The number of staff and FTE's have been restated for years 2022 and 2021.

Net profit and return on equity

Net profit and return on equity2

Capital ratio

Capital ratio

Loans and deposits (NOKbn)

Loans and deposits2



Loan losses

Loan losses

Dividend and profit per ECC (NOK)

 Dividend and profit per ECC (NOK)

Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN