Cash Flow Statement

Parent Bank   Group
2022 2023 (NOK million) 2023 2022
2,494 3,678 Net profit 3,688 2,785
 77  111 Depreciations and write-downs on fixed assets  153  117
- 37 - 72 Losses on loans and guarantees  14 - 7
- 324 - 413 Adjustments for undistributed profits of associated companies and joint ventures - 297 - 443
-2,420 1,924 Other adjustments 1,958 -2,436
- 210 5,228 Net cash increase from ordinary operations 5,516  16
-4,626 1,035 Decrease/(increase) other receivables 1,000 -4,193
5,155 -1,289 Increase/(decrease) short term debt -2,245 5,136
-3,739 -6,502 Decrease/(increase) loans to customers -7,080 -5,643
-8,782 4,333 Decrease/(increase) loans credit institutions 4,519 -6,959
10,672  769 Increase/(decrease) deposits to customers  885 10,724
 294 -1,485 Increase/(decrease) debt to credit institutions -1,485 - 429
-7,310 4,115 Increase/(decrease) in short term investments 4,115 -7,311
-8,546 6,204 A) Net cash flow from operations 5,227 -8,658
-  35 Cash and cash equivalents from aquisition  35 -
- 71 - 60 Increase in tangible fixed assets - 95 - 89
- 18 - Decrease in tangible fixed assets -  276
- 5 - 69 Cash flows from losing control of subsidiaries or other businesses  79  6
 324  413 Dividends received from investments in related companies  413  324
 6  100 Other cash receipts from sales of interests in joint ventures  100  6
- 479 - 190 Other cash payments to acquire interests in joint ventures - 198 - 492
 813 1 424 Other cash receipts from sales of equity or debt instruments of other entities 2,319  849
- 835 1 487 Other cash payments to acquire equity or debt instruments of other entities -1,509 - 846
- 265  166 B) Net cash flow from investments 1,145  33
1,000  750 Increase in subordinated loan capital  784 1,000
- 750 - 750 Decrease in subordinated loan capital - 750 - 750
 0 - Increase in treasury shares - - 21
-  2 Decrease in treasury shares  72 -
- 970 - 840 Dividend cleared - 840 - 970
- - Dividend to non controlling interests - 121 - 162
- 547 - 474 Disbursed from gift fund - 474 - 547
 476  416 Additional Tier 1 Capital issued  478  476
 0 - 342 Repayments Tier 1 Capital - 385  0
- 60 - 122 Interest payments additional Tier 1 capital - 125 - 63
16,194 5,280 Increase in other long term loans 5,280 16,194
-6,613 -10,291 Decrease in other long term loans -10,291 -6,613
8,729 -6,370 C) Net cash flow from financial activities -6,371 8,544
- 81  1 A) + B) + C) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents  1 - 81
1,252 1,171 Cash and cash equivalents at 1.1 1,171 1,252
1,171 1,172 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 1,172 1,171
- 81  1 Net changes in cash and cash equivalents  1 - 81
    Additional information about cash flows    
6,263 10,224 Interest received 10,710 6,716
3,598 6,177 Interest paid 6,184 3,603
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