Note 16 - Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the group will be unable to refinance its debt or unable to finance increases in its assets. See note 6 on risk factors for a detailed description.

At 31 Dec 2022 (NOKm) On demand Below 3 months 3-12 months 1 - 5 yrs Above 5 yrs Total
Cash flows related to liabilities 2)            
Deposits from credit institutions 11,180 1,194 161 2,125 26 14,685
Deposits from and debt to customers 89,936 19,376 7,480 5,217 - 122,010
Debt created by issue of securities - 951 8,442 41,837 1,746 52,977
Derivatives - contractual cash flow out - 798 8,532 26,947 1,655 37,932
Other liabilities - 1,361 787 386 258 2,792
Subordinated loan capital 1) - 16 824 1,459 - 2,299
Total cash flow, liabilities 101,116 23,696 26,226 77,972 3,684 232,694
Derivatives net cash flows            
Contractual cash flows out - 798 8,532 26,947 1,655 37,932
Contractual cash flows in - -622 -8,176 -25,412 -1,633 -35,843
Net contractual cash flows - 176 356 1,535 21 2,089
At 31 Dec 2021 (NOKm) On demand Below 3 months 3-12 months 1 - 5 yrs Above 5 yrs Total
Cash flows related to liabilities 2)            
Debt to credit institutions 11,204 1,175 684 2,074 31 15,167
Deposits from and debt to customers 86,753 16,958 3,462 4,113 - 111,286
Debt created by issuance of securities - 5,188 1,626 28,143 6,852 41,810
Derivatives - contractual cash flow out - 7,181 1,288 13,478 6,186 28,132
Other liabilities - 1,622 849 479 329 3,280
Subordinated loan capital 1) - 11 816 1,025 - 1,852
Total cash flow, liabilities 97,957 32,134 8,724 49,313 13,399 201,527
Derivatives net cash flows            
Contractual cash flows out - 7,181 1,288 13,478 6,186 28,132
Contractual cash flows in - -7,014 -1,153 -12,785 -6,110 -27,062
Net contractual cash flows - 166 135 692 77 1,070

Does not include value adjustments for financial instruments at fair value
1) For subordinated debt the call date is used for cash settlement
2) Contractual cash-flows include calculated interest and the total amount therefore deviate from recognised liabilities

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