Note 22 - Pension

Defined benefit scheme

The SpareBank 1 SMN Group has a pension scheme for its staff that meet the requirements set for mandatory occupational pensions. SpareBank 1 SMN had a defined benefit scheme previously. This pension scheme is administered by a pension fund conferring entitlement to specific future pension benefits from age 67. The schemes include children’s pension and disability pension under further rules. The Group’s defined benefit pension scheme assures the majority of employees a pension of 68 percent of final salary up to 12G. This arrangement was terminated from 1 January 2017. Employees on this scheme was transferred to the defined contribution scheme and received a paid-up policy showing rights accumulated under the defined benefit scheme.  The termination resulted in reduced pension obligations, which has been treated  as a settlement gain and reduced the pension expense for 2016.

Paid-up policies are managed by the pension fund, which becomes a paid-up pension fund as from 1 January 2017. A framework agreement has been established between SpareBank 1 SMN and the pension fund which covers funding, asset management etc. In view of the responsibility still held by SpareBank 1 SMN, future liabilities will need to be incorporated in the accounts. 

The board of the pension fund is required to be composed of representatives from the Group and participants in the pension schemes in accordance with the articles of association of the pension fund.  In addition to the pension obligations coveredd by the pension fund, the group has unfunded pension liabilities which can not be funded by the assets in the collective arrangements. The obligations  entails  employees not  registered as member of the pension fund, additional  pensions above 12 G, early retirement pension schemes and  contractual early retirement schemes in new arrangement (AFP Subsidies Act).

Defined contribution scheme

Under a defined contribution pension scheme the group does not provide a future pension of a given size; instead the group pays an annual contribution to the employees’ collective pension savings. The future pension will depend on the size of the contribution and the annual return on the pension savings. The group has no further obligations related to employees’ labour contribution after the annual contribution has been paid. There is no allocation for accrued pension obligations under such schemes. Defined contribution schemes are directly expensed. Any pre-paid contributions are recognised as an asset (pension assets) to the extent the contribution can be refunded or reduce future inpayments. The contributions are made to the pension fund for full-time employees, and the contribution is from 7 per cent from 0-7,1 G and 15 per cent from 7.1 – 12 G. The premium is expensed as incurred.

Early retirement pension scheme (“AFP”)

The banking and financial industry has established an agreement on an early retirement pension scheme (“AFP”). The scheme covers early retirement pension from age 62 to 67. The Bank pays 100 per cent of the pension paid from age 62 to 64 and 60 per cent of the pension paid from age 65 to age 67. Admission of new retirees ceased with effect from 31 December 2010. The Act on state subsidies in respect of employees who take out contractual pension in the private sector (AFP Subsidies Act) entered into force on 19 February 2010. Employees who take out AFP with effect in 2011 or later will receive benefits under the new scheme. The new AFP scheme represents a lifelong add-on to National Insurance and can be taken out from age 62. Employees accumulate AFP entitlement at an annual rate of 0.314 per cent of pensionable income capped at 7.1G up to age 62. Accumulation under the new scheme is calculated with reference to the employee’s lifetime income, such that all previous working years are included in the qualifying basis.

For accounting purposes the new AFP scheme is regarded as a defined benefit multi-employer scheme. This entails that each employer accounts for its pro rata share of the scheme’s pension obligation, pension assets and pension cost. If no calculations of the individual components of the scheme and a consistent and reliable basis for allocation are available, the new AFP scheme will be accounted for as a defined-contribution scheme. At the present time no such basis exists, and the new AFP scheme is accordingly accounted for as a defined-contribution scheme. The new AFP scheme will only be accounted for as a defined-benefit scheme once reliable measurement and allocation can be undertaken. Under the new scheme, one-third of the pension expenses will be funded by the State, two-thirds by the employers. The employers’ premium will be fixed as a percentage of salary payments between 1G and 7.1G.

In keeping with the recommendation of the Norwegian Accounting Standards Board, no provision was made for the group’s de facto AFP obligation in the accounting year. This is because the office that coordinates the schemes run by the main employer and trade union organisations has yet to perform the necessary calculations.

  2022 2021
Økonomiske forutsetninger Kostnader Forpliktelser Kostnader Forpliktelser
Diskonteringsrente 1.6 % 3.0 % 1.5 % 1.6 %
Forventet avkastning på midlene 1.6 % 3.0 % 1.5 % 1.6 %
Forventet fremtidig lønnsutvikling 2.25 % 3.25 % 2.00 % 2.25 %
Forventet G-regulering 2.25 % 3.25 % 2.00 % 2.25 %
Forventet pensjonsregulering 0%/2,0% 0%/2,0% 0%/2,0% 0%/2,0%
Arbeidsgiveravgift 19.1 % 19.1 % 19.1 % 19.1 %
Forventet frivillig avgang før/etter 50 år 2/0 % 2/0 % 2/0 % 2/0 %
Forventet AFP-uttak fra 62/64 år  25/50 % 25/50 % 25/50 % 25/50 %
Dødelighetstabell K2013BE      
Uførhet  IR73      
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Parent Bank    Group 
2021 2022 Net pension liability in the balance sheet (NOK million). Financial position 1 Jan. 2022 2021
640 645 Net present value of pension liabilities in funded schemes 645 640
-743 -701 Estimated value of pension assets -701 -743
-104 -56 Net pension liability in funded schemes -56 -104
2 1 Employer’s contribution 1 2
-102 -54 Net pension liability in the balance sheet -54 -102
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Distribution of liability between unfunded and funded pension scheme, Group 1.1
Group 2022 2021
  Funded Unfunded Total Funded Unfunded Total
Present value of pension liability in funded schemes 639 7 645   631 8 640
Fair value of pension assets -701 - -701   -743 0 -743
Opening balance adjustment 0 0 0   0 0 0
Net pension liability in the balance sheet before employer's contribution -62 7 -56   -112 8 -104
Employer’s contribution 0 1 1   0 2 2
Net pension liability in the balance sheet after employer's contribution -62 8 -54   -112 10 -102
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2021 2022 Pension cost for the year 2022 2021
0 0 Present value of pension accumulated in the year 0 0
-2 -1 Interest cost of pension liabilities  -1 -2
-1 -1 Net defined-benefit pension cost without employer's contribution -1 -1
0 0 Employer's contribution - subject to accrual accounting 0 0
-1 -1 Net pension cost related to defined benefit plans * -1 -1
8 9 Early retirement pension scheme, new arrangement  16 14
54 46 Cost of defined contribution pension 84 89
60 54 Total pension cost  99 101
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Other comprehensive income for the period 2022 2021
  Unfunded Funded Total Unfunded Funded Total
Change in discount rate -0 -111 -111 0 -9 -9
Change in other economic assumptions - 0 - 0 0 0
Change in mortality table - 0 - 0 0 0
Change in other demographic assumptions - 0 - 0 0 0
Changing other factors, DBO -0 65 64 -2 33 32
Change in other factors, pension assets - -130 -130 0 27 27
Other comprehensive income for the period -1 -177 -177 -2 51 49
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2021 2022 Movement in net pension liability in the balance sheet 2022 2021
-96 -54 Net pension liability in the balance sheet 1.1 -54 -96
49 -177 Actuarial gains and losses for the year -177 49
-1 -1 Net defined-benefit costs in profit and loss account incl. Curtailment/settlement -1 -1
-1 -1 Paid-in pension premium, defined-benefit schemes -1 -1
-49 -234 Net pension liability in the balance sheet 31.12 -234 -49
2021 2022 Financial status 31.12 2022 2021
645 577 Pension liability  577 645
-701 -812 Value of pension assets -812 -701
-56 -235 Net pension liability before employer's contribution -235 -56
1 1 Employer's contribution 1 1
-54 -234 Net pension liability after employer's contribution -234 -54
* Presented gross in the Group accounts
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Distribution of financial status between unfunded and funded pension scheme, Group 
Group 31.12.2022 31.12.2021
  Funded Unfunded Total Funded Unfunded Total
Pension liability 572 5 577 639 7 645
Value of pension assets -812 - -812 -701 0 -701
Net pension liability before employer's contribution -240 5 -235 -62 7 -56
Employer's contribution 0 1 1 0 1 1
Net pension liability after employer's contribution -240 6 -234 -62 8 -54
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Fair value of pension liability, Group 31.12.2022 31.12.2021
OB pension liability (PBO)  645 640
Present value of pension accumulated in the year 0 0
Payout/release from scheme  -32 -27
Interes costs of pension liability 10 9
Curtailment/ Settlement    0
Actuarial gain or loss -47 23
CB pension liability (PBO) 577 645
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Fair value of pension assets, Group 31.12.2022 31.12.2021
OB pension assets 701 743
Paid in 1 1
Payout/release from fund -32 -27
Expected retur 11 11
Curtailment/ Settlement  0 0
Actuarial changes 130 -27
CB market value of pension assets 812 701
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  Discount rate Salary adjustment Pension adjustment
Sensitivity, Group  + 1 pp   - 1 pp   +1 pp   - 1 pp   + 1 pp
Change in accumulated pension rights in course of year 0 0 0 0 0
Change in pension liability -62 76 0 0 77
Change in accumulated pension rights in course of year 0 0 0 0 0
Change in pension liability -89 110 0 0 111
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2021 2022 Members 2022 2021
728 726 Numbers of persons included in pension scheme 726 728
220 218 of which active 218 220
508 508 of which retirees and disabled 508 508
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Investment and pension assets in the pension fund 2022 2021
Current bonds 38 % 38 %
Bonds held to maturity 5 % 5 %
Money market 21 % 21 %
Equities 29 % 29 %
Real estate 7 % 7 %
Other 0 % 0 %
Total 100 % 100 %
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The pension scheme arrangement is located in its own pension fund, which has a long-term horizon on the management of its capital. The pension fund seeks to achieve as high a rate of return as possible by composing an investment portfolio that provides the maximum risk-adjusted return. The pension fund seeks to spread its investments on various issuers and asset classes in order to reduce company-specific and market-specific risk. The portfolio thus comprises equity investments in Norwegian and foreign shares. The bond portfolio is essentially invested in Norwegian bonds. Bank deposits are placed in Norwegian Banks.


Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN