Note 31 - Intangible assets

Parent Bank   Group
Other intangible assets Goodwill Total (NOK million) Total Goodwill Other intangible assets
225 447 671 Cost of acquisition at 1 January 1,179 790 389
32 - 32 Additions 89 52 36
-233 - -233 Disposals -251 - -251
- - - Addition from acquistion of companies - - -
24 447 470 Cost of acquisition at 31 December 1,017 842 175
156 - 156 Accumulated depreciation and write-downs as at 1 January 274 34 241
23 - 23 Current period's depreciation 32 - 32
-0 - -0 Current period's write-down 31 - 31
-166 - -166 Disposals -173 - -173
- - - Addition from acqusition of companies - - -
13 - 13 Accumulated depreciation and write-down as at 31 December 164 34 130
11 447 458 Book value as at 31 December 853 808 45
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Parent Bank   Group
Goodwill Total (NOK million) Total Goodwill Other
194 447 640 Cost of acquisition at 1 January 1,106 767 338
32 - 32 Additions 76 22 54
-1 - -1 Disposals -6 - -6
- - - Addition from acquisition of companies 3 - 3
225 447 671 Cost of acquisition at 31 December 1,179 790 389
128 - 128 Accumulated depreciation and write-downs as at 1 January 233 34 199
28 - 28 Current period's depreciation 44 - 44
0 - 0 Current period's write-down 0 - 0
-1 - -1 Disposals -5 - -5
- - - Addition from acquisition of companies 3 - 3
156 - 156 Accumulated depreciation and write-down as at 31 December 274 34 241
69 447 515 Book value as at 31 December 905 756 149
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Annual report and notes

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