Note 39 - Investments in owner interests

Accounting Policy

Associated companies
Associates are companies in which the Bank has substantial influence. As a rule, influence is substantial where the Bank has an ownership interest of 20 per cent or more. Associates are accounted for by the equity method in the consolidated accounts. The investment is initially recognised at acquisition cost and subsequently adjusted for the change in the Bank’s share of the associated undertaking’s net assets. The Bank recognises its share of the profit of the associated undertaking in its income statement. Associates are accounted for in the parent bank accounts by the cost method. 

Joint arrangements
Under IFRS 11 investments in Joint arrangements shall be classified as Joint operations or joint ventures depending on the right and obligations in the contractual arrangement for each investor. SpareBank 1 SMN has assessed its joint arrangements and concluded that they are joint ventures. Jointly controlled ventures are accounted for using the equity method in the group and the cost method in the parent bank.

When the equity method is used joint ventures are recognised at their original acquisition cost. The carrying amount is thereafter adjusted to recognise the share of the results after the acquisition and the share of comprehensive income. When the group's share of a loss in a joint venture exceeds the capitalized amount (including other long-term investments that are in reality part of the group's net investment in the venture), no further loss is recognized unless liabilities have been assumed or payments have been made on behalf of the joint venture. Unrealized gains on transactions between the group and its joint ventures are eliminated according to the ownership interest in the business. Unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the transaction gives evidence of a fall in value on the transferred asset. Amounts reported from joint ventures are, if necessary, restated to ensure they correspond with the accounting policies of the group.

Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
Assets which the board of directors of the bank has decided to sell are dealt with under IFRS 5 if it is highly likely that the asset will be sold within 12 months. This type of asset comprises for the most part assets taken over in connection with bad loans, and investments in subsidiaries held for sale. In the case of depreciable assets, depreciation ceases when a decision is taken to sell, and the asset is measured at fair value in accordance with IFRS 5. The result of such activity and appurtenant assets and liabilities are presented on a separate line as held for sale.

Subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and companies held for sale

Company Company number Registered office Stake in per cent
Investment in significant subsidiaries  
EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge  936159419 Trondheim 92.4
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN  936285066 Trondheim 93.3
SpareBank 1 Invest  990961867 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge  938521549 Trondheim 56.5
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet 990283443 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Bygget Steinkjer  934352718 Trondheim 100.0
St. Olavs Plass  999263380 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Bilplan 979945108 Trondheim 100.0
Shares owned by subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries      
GMA Invest 994469096 Trondheim 100.0
Sentrumsgården  975856828 Leksvik 35.3
Aqua Venture  891165102 Trondheim 37.6
Omega-3 Invest  996814262 Namsos 33.6
Tjeldbergodden Utvikling  979615361 Aure 23.0
Grilstad Marina  991340475 Trondheim 35.0
GMN 6  994254707 Trondheim 35.0
GMN 51  996534316 Trondheim 30.0
GMN 52  996534413 Trondheim 30.0
GMN 53  996534502 Trondheim 30.0
Grilstad N8 AS 926281070 Trondheim 35.0
Brauten Eiendom  917066221 Trondheim 100.0
Kvidal Regnskap AS 993787663 Børsa 100.0
Brattberg Regnskap AS 977203058 Overhalla 100.0
Askus AS 965056238 Lillehammer 100.0
Askus Nord AS 931931008 Hammerfest 100.0
Askus Nord 2 AS 932681266 Lillehammer 100.0
Regnskapsforum  964276390 Trondheim 50.0
SpareBank 1 Mobilitet Holding 927249960 Hamar 30.7
Investment in joint ventures      
SpareBank 1 Gruppen 975966372 Tromsø 19.5
SpareBank 1 Utvikling 986401598 Oslo 18.0
Investment in associates      
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  988738387 Stavanger 23.9
BN Bank  914864445 Trondheim 35.0
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  894111232 Stavanger 14.8
SpareBank 1 Kreditt 975966453 Trondheim 19.2
SpareBank 1 Betaling 919116749 Oslo 21.9
SpareBank 1 Gjeldsinformasjon 924911719 Oslo 18.9
SpareBank 1 Forvaltning 925239690 Oslo 21.5
SpareBank 1 Markets 992999101 Oslo 39.9
Investment in companies held for sale       
Mavi XV  890899552 Trondheim 100.0
Mavi XXIX 827074462 Trondheim 100.0
Byscenen Kongensgt 19  992237899 Trondheim 94.0
Bjerkeløkkja 998534976 Oppdal 95.0
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Shares in subsidiaries, Parent Bank

Recorded at acquisition cost in the Parent Bank. Full consolidation in the Group accounts. Total costs include tax charge. The booked value of subsidiaries in the tables below is the Parent Bank’s booked value.

2023 (NOK million) Company's
No. Of
(NOK 000's)
Assets  Liabilities Equity NCI
loss *)
Book value 31.12
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge AS 1,200,000 57,015 21.0 12,636 10,987 1,648 618 404 380 24 28 792
Total investments in credit institutions               792
EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge  105,960 4,788 22 409 166 32 18 435 403 32 3 201
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet  30,200 30,200 1 110 18 10 - 25 15 10 - 126
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN  20,349 211 96 708 260 84 30 633 549 84 7 331
SpareBank 1 Invest  457,280 914,560 1 811 24 66 - 69 3 66 - 540
SpareBank 1 Bygget Steinkjer  1,000 100 10 37 1 1 - 0 - 1 1 - 40
St. Olavs Plass  1,000 100,000 0 53 2 0 - 4 4 0 - 50
SpareBank 1 Bilplan  5,769 41,206 0 8 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 9
Total investments in other subsidiaries 1,298
Total investments in Group companies, Parent Bank 2,090
*) Non-controlling interests
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2022 (NOK million) Company's
(NOK 000's) 
No. Of
(NOK 000's)
Assets  Liabilities Equity NCI of
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge AS 1,050,000 57,015 18.4 12,198 10,728 1,470 617 353 212 140 62 671
Total investments in credit institutions 671
EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge  105,960 4,788 22 420 162 258 34 429 382 47 6 189
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet  30,200 30,200 1 104 18 86 - 18 14 4 - 126
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN  20,349 211 96 635 196 438 50 547 472 75 9 298
SpareBank 1 Invest  457,280 914,560 1 750 29 721 - 53 2 51 - 540
SpareBank 1 Bygget Steinkjer  1,000 100 10 36 0 36 - 0 - 1 1 - 40
St. Olavs Plass  1,000 100,000 0 53 1 52 - 3 2 1 - 50
SpareBank 1 Bilplan  5,769 41,206 0 8 0 8 - 0 0 - 0 - 9
Total investments in other subsidiaries 1,252
Total investments in Group companies, Parent Bank 1,924
*) Non-controlling interests      
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Dividends from subsidiaries

(NOK million) 2023 2022
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge 78 102
EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge 40 49
SpareBank 1 Markets 108 139
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN  70 57
SpareBank 1 SMN Invest  - -
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet  4 3
St. Olavs Plass 1 SMN  1 -
Sparebank 1 Bygget Steinkjer  1 1
Total dividends 302 350
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Shares in associates and joint ventures

Associates and joint ventures are recorded at acquisition cost in the Parent Bank. Group figures are presented by the equity method.

Parent Bank   Group
2022 2023 (NOK million) 2023 2022
4,590 5,063 As at 1 January 8,075 7,384
473 916 Acquisition/sale 760 487
0 -20 Write-down -23 0
- 312 Equity capital changes -22 59
- - Profit share 297 442
- - Dividend paid -391 -297
5,063 6,270 Book value as at 31 December 8,695 8,075
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Specification of year's change, Group Additions/ disposal Equtiy change
SpareBank 1 Gruppen  - -150
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  -28 44
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  -61 30
SpareBank 1 Kreditt 64 19
Sparebank 1 Betaling  - 53
BN Bank  - -1
SpareBank 1 Forvaltning 70 11
Sparebank 1 Markets 707 -
Other companies 8 -27
Sum  760 -22
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Dividends from investments in associates and joint ventures 

(NOK million) 2023 2022
SpareBank 1 Gruppen  287 137
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  - 16
BN Bank  70 70
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  3 1
SpareBank 1 Forvaltning 31 72
Total dividend from associates and joint ventures 391 297
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Company information on the Group's stakes in associates and joint ventures

The tables below contain company or Group accounting figures on a 100 per cent share basis, except for profit share which is stated as the SMN Group’s share. Badwill and amortisation effects related to acquisitions are included in the profit share. Booked value is the consolidated value in the SMN Group.

2023 (NOK million) Assets Liabilities Total income Total costs Profit share Book value 31.12 No. of shares
SpareBank 1 Gruppen  132,113 119,812 17,648 17,402 -34 1,737 420,498
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  320,465 307,788 680 201 98 2,809 18,595,136
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  10,634 8,547 111 54 10 309 2,402,572
SpareBank 1 Kreditt 9,746 7,903 493 562 -13 354 975,378
Sparebank 1 Betaling  1,256 0 - 2 -37 275 6,849,205
BN Bank  47,961 41,933 1,347 583 257 1,997 4,943,072
SpareBank 1 Forvaltning 1,718 570 890 722 35 247 985,722
Other companies         -18 242  
Total 297 7,970  
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2022 (NOK million) Assets Liabilities Total
Book value
No. of
SpareBank 1 Gruppen  121,397 106,592 19,319 18,123 175 2,208 420,498
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  287,957 275,138 107 62 1 2,696 17,635,629
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  11,615 9,565 47 27 3 333 2,640,198
SpareBank 1 Kreditt 7,159 5,890 351 304 9 283 751,377
Sparebank 1 Betaling  1,251 0 - 3 13 260 5,711,159
BN Bank  44,998 39,499 1,128 533 203 1,812 4,943,072
SpareBank 1 Forvaltning 1,523 696 709 538 33 162 722,575
Other companies         4 322  
Total 442 8,075  
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Companies held for sale

SpareBank 1 SMN's strategy is that ownership duse to defaulted exposures should at the outset be of brief duration, normally not longer than one year. Investments are recorded at fair value in the Parent Bank's accounts, and is classified as investment held for sale.

2023 (NOK Million) Assets Liabilities Revenue Expenses Profit Ownership
Mavi XV Group 80 26 15 15 1 100 %
Total Held for sale 80 26 15 15 1  
2022 (NOK Million) Assets Liabilities Revenue Exspenses Profit Ownership
Mavi XV Group 75 30 12 11 0 100 %
SpareBank 1 Markets 1,844 1,063 780 601 179 67 %
Total Held for sale 1,919 1,093 791 612 179  
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Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN