Note 19 - Net return on financial investments

Parent Bank   Group
2022 2023 (NOKm) 2022 2021
    Valued at fair value through profit/loss    
-428 17 Value change in interest rate instruments 17 -427
    Value change in derivatives/hedging    
-10 2 Net value change in hedged bonds and derivatives* 2 -10
-38 5 Net value change in hedged fixed rate loans and derivatives 5 -38
275 -118 Other derivatives -118 275
    Income from equity instruments    
- - Income from owner interests 297 442
646 693 Dividend from owner instruments - -
4 32 Value change and gain/loss on owner instruments -5 4
30 18 Dividend from equity instruments 26 33
-19 421 Value change and gain/loss on equity instruments 469 9
461 1,069 Total net income from financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit/(loss) 692 287
    Valued at amortised cost    
-0 -2 Value change in interest rate instruments held to maturity -2 -0
-0 -2 Total net income from financial assets and liabilities at amortised cost -2 -0
93 108 Total net gain from currency trading 108 93
554 1,175 Total net return on financial investments 799 380
    * Fair value hedging    
-2,155 896 Changes in fair value on hedging instrument 896 -2,155
2,145 -894 Changes in fair value on hedging item -894 2,145
-10 2 Net Gain or Loss from hedge accounting 2 -10
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