Note 18 - Net commission income and other income

Accounting Policy

Commission income and expenses are generally accrued in step with the provision of the service. Charges related to interest-bearing instruments are not entered as commission, but are included in the calculation of effective interest and recognised in profit/loss accordingly. Consultancy fees accrue in accordance with a consultancy agreement, usually in step with the provision of the service. The same applies to ongoing management services. Fees and charges in connection with the sale or mediation of financial instruments, property or other investment objects which do not generate balance sheet items in the Bank’s accounts are recognised in profit/loss when the transaction is completed. The Bank receives commission from SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt and SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt corresponding to the difference between the interest on the loan and the funding cost achieved by SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt and SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt. This shows as commission income in the Bank’s accounts.

Parent Bank   Group
2022 2023 (NOK million) 2023 2022
     Commission income     
77 68  Guarantee commission  68 77
 -  -  Broker commission  265 267
44 47  Portfolio commission, savings products  47 44
256 155  Commission from SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  155 256
16 15  Commission from SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  15 16
475 496  Payment transmission services  493 471
236 253  Commission from insurance services  253 236
88 83  Other commission income  74 80
1,192 1,117  Total commission income  1,370 1,446
     Commission expenses     
80 102  Payment transmission services  102 80
11 12  Other commission expenses  96 105
90 114  Total commission expenses  199 186
     Other operating income     
30 38  Operating income real property  41 32
- -  Property administration and sale of property  166 151
 -  -  Securities trading  - -
- -  Accountant's fees  661 564
25 34  Other operating income  45 34
55 73  Total other operating income  913 781
1,156 1,076  Total net commision income and other operating income  2,084 2,042
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