Note 30 - Shares, units and other equity interest

Parent bank   Group
31 Dec 2022 31 Dec 2023 Shares and units (NOK million) 31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
210 454 At fair value through profit or loss 985 710
140 363 Listed 363 140
70 92 Unlisted 623 571
210 454 Total shares and units 985 710
    Subordinated bond    
123 220 Listed 96 123
85 56 Unlisted 56 7
207 276 Total subordinated bond 152 130
    Business held for sale - of which shares    
98 98 Unlisted 112 1,919
98 98 Total shares held for sale (see note 39) 112 1,919
263 583 Total listed companies 459 263
252 246 Total unlisted companies 791 2,496
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Specification of Parent Bank           
Listed companies Stake
over 10 %
holding (no.)
(NOK 1000)
(NOK 1000)
Visa Inc. C-aksjer     63,536 6,750 167,566
Total quoted shares       6,750 167,566
SpareBank 1 Nordmøre 937899408   69,423 7,455 8,678
Total quoted credit institutions       7,455 8,678
DNB Global Treasury 880109162   118,592 112,276 107,729
Holberg OMF 997454790   649,728 64,491 68,143
DNB European Covered Bonds 880109162   15,180 12,585 10,613
Total quoted securities       189,352 186,486
Unlisted companies          
Eksportfinans 816521432   2,153 16,651 39,975
VN Norge AS - billion shares 821083052   28,688,772 37,338 20,125
Visa C preference shares     1,298 2,607 10,932
Eiendomskreditt AS 979391285   44,000 4,502 9,329
Sparebank 1 Bank og Regnskap AS 917143501   308 2,487 3,388
Runde Miljøbygg AS 989736027   40,000 2,500 2,500
Misc companies       2,955 5,302
Total unquoted shares and units       69,040 91,550
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge 938521549     124,300 124,310
Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane 946670081     14,624 14,695
Flekkefjord Sparebank 937894627     12,153 12,239
Sparebanken Øst 937888937     9,632 9,656
SpareBank 1 Sørøst-Norge 944521836     8,572 8,585
SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge 952706365     7,400 7,433
Hegra Sparebank 937903235     5,683 5,690
Aurskog Sparebank 937885644     5,003 5,025
DNB Bank  984851006     4,168 4,205
Sparebanken Sør 937894538     4,010 4,018
SpareBank 1 SR-Bank 937895321     4,012 4,017
Other       20,173 20,227
Total quoted subordinated bonds       219,730 220,098
SpareBank 1 Gruppen 975966372     48,750 48,088
DNB Bank 984851006     8,033 8,117
Total unquoted subordinated bonds       56,783 56,205
Total shares, units and equity capital certificates, parent bank       549,110 730,584
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Specification of Group           
Unlisted companies Stake
over 10 %
holding (no.)
cost (NOK 1000)
(NOK 1000)
SIGNORD AS (Tidligere Viking Venture III) 992229667 16.8 % 955,039 34,745 240,736
Salvesen & Thams AS 999104428   27,564 45,733 141,514
Crayo Nano AS 998682525   1,689,279 20,266 19,427
Sintef Venture V 920749984   9,000 16,636 19,111
Proventure Seed III AS 924111895   18,600,001 15,810 17,298
Sonoclear AS (prev BrainImage AS) 917956146 12.4 % 1,517,982 7,988 15,180
Sintef Venture IV 912844889   18,101 11,653 13,840
Novelda AS 987361719   19,980 7,163 11,548
Signord Klasse E  992229667   46,476 4,704 9,292
Proventure Seed II AS 913391136   16,076,187 11,688 8,681
Vectron Biosolutions AS 992779837   220,000 6,000 6,140
Novela Kapital AS 922061017   624,000 6,240 4,430
Sintef Venture IV B 927177021   15,000 3,705 3,603
Other companies       36,882 20,190
Total unquoted shares and units       229,215 530,990
Elimination of subordinated bond SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge       -124,300 -124,310
Total shares, units and equity capital certificates, Group       654,025 1,137,264
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