Note 29 - Hedge Accounting for Debt created by issue of securities

Accounting Principle

The Bank evaluates and documents the effectiveness of a hedge in accordance with IAS 39. The Bank employs fair value hedging to manage its interest rate risk. In its hedging operations the Bank protects against movements in the market interest rate. Changes in credit spread are not taken to account when measuring hedge effectiveness. In the case of fair value hedging, both the hedging instrument and the hedged object are recorded at fair value, and changes in these values from the opening balance are recognised in profit/loss. 

The bank has established hedge accounting in order to achieve accounting treatment that reflects how interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk are managed in the case of large long-term borrowings. See note 6 Risk factors for more information. The hedged objects consist exclusively of debt created by the issuance of financial instruments and are implemented in conformity with IFRS 9 by fair value hedging. For those debt instruments that are included in the hedging portfolio, separate interest rate and exchange rate swaps are entered into with corresponding principle and maturity structure. Inefficiency may nonetheless arise as a result of random market variations in the evaluation of object and instrument.

The hedging instruments (interest rate and exchange rate swaps) are recognised at fair value, whereas the hedged objects are recognised at fair value in respect of the risks that are hedged (interest rate risk and exchange rate risk). Hedge inefficiency, defined as the difference between the value adjustment of the hedging instruments and the value adjustment of the hedged risks in the objects is recognised through profit/loss on an ongoing basis. 

  Nominal amount 31 Dec 2023   Nominal amount 31 Dec 2022
Group (NOK million) Hedging
Ineffectivity   Hedging
Accounting line in Balance Sheet Derivatives Debt createdby issuanceof securities     Derivatives Debt createdby issuanceof securities  
Debt at fixed interest Interest swap       Interest swap    
Nominal NOK 13,079 12,164 - 915   11,200 11,200 -
  Interest and currency swap     Interest and currency swap  
Debt in currency at fixed interest              
Nominal EUR 19,011 19,011 -   23,120 23,120 -
Nominal JPY 719 719 -   - - -
Nominal CHF 2,118 2,118 -   3,737 3,737 -
  Book value 31 Dec 2023     Book value 31 Dec 2022  
in PL
in PL
Recorded amount Assets 744       294    
Recorded amount Liabilities 1,630 29,624     2,368 35,868  
Accumulated value changes ending balance -1,259 -1,251     -2,185 -2,233  
Accumulated value changes opening balance -2,155 -2,145     -30 -88  
Change in fair value 896 894 2   -2,155 -2,145 -10
Accounting line in profit and loss     Net return
on financial
      Net return
on financial
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IBOR reform

In recent years, reform of and alternatives to IBOR rates have become a priority area for governments across the world. However, there is uncertainty as to the timing and method for any changes. All SpareBank 1 SMN’s interest rate derivatives have IBOR rates as their benchmark, and thus could be affected by changes. The most significant positions are held in EURIBOR and NIBOR. The bank follows market developments closely, and participates in several projects in order to monitor and facilitate any changes. The table below shows exposure and nominal amount for derivatives in hedge relationships that may be affected by the IBOR reform, split on the IBOR rate in question.

  Nominal amount
Interest- and currency instrument (NOK million) Hedging object Hedging instrument Net Exposure
EURIBOR 3M - 14,985 - 14,985
EURIBOR 6M - 293 - 293
OIBOR 3M - 19,254 - 19,254
Total - 34,532 - 34,532
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