Note 32 - Intangible assets


Parent Bank   Group
intangible assets
Goodwill Total (NOK million) Total Goodwill Other
intangible assets
44 447 491 Cost of acquisition at 1 January 636 530 106
24 - 24 Acquisitions 118 43 75
-9 - -9 Disposals -17 - -17
59 447 506 Cost of acquisition at 31 December 737 573 164
25 - 25 Accumulated depreciation and write-downs as at 1 January 74 2 72
15 - 15 Current period's depreciation 21 - 21
- - - Current period's write-down 8 5 3
-4 - -4 Disposals -6 - -6
36 - 36 Accumulated depreciation and write-down as at 31 December 97 7 90
23 447 470 Book value as at 31 December 639 565 74
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Parent Bank   Group
intangible assets
Goodwill Total (NOK million) Total Goodwill Other
intangible assets
33 447 480 Cost of acquisition at 1 January 584 527 57
12 - 12 Acquisitions 52 3 50
-0 - -0 Disposals -1 - -1
44 447 491 Cost of acquisition at 31 December 636 530 106
18 - 18 Accumulated depreciation and write-downs as at 1 January 36 2 34
8 - 8 Current period's depreciation 13 - 13
- - - Acquisitions 25 - 25
-0 - -0 Disposals -0 - -0
25 - 25 Accumulated depreciation and write-down as at 31 December 74 2 72
19 447 466 Book value as at 31 December 562 528 34
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NOK 447m of the parent bank’s balance sheet value refers to excess value in connection with the purchase of 100 per cent of Romsdals Fellesbank in 2005. The amount at group level refers to the parent bank’s purchase of Romsdals Fellesbank as described above, the merger and acquisition of estate agencies from EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge, and SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN’s acquisitions of accounting firms. The year’s increase of NOK 38m at group level relates to further acquisitions undertaken in 2016.

Goodwill items are valued annually and written down if impairment tests imply reduction in value. EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge made a write down of goodwill of NOK 5.2m in 2016.

See note 3 - Critical estimates and assessments concerning the use of accounting principles -for a description of the valuation model for goodwill.

Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN