Note 32 - Property, plant and equipment

Accounting Policy

Property, plant and equipment along with property used by the owner are accounted for under IAS 16. The investment is initially recognised at its acquisition cost and is thereafter depreciated on a linear basis over its expected useful life. When establishing a depreciation plan, the individual assets are to the necessary extent split up into components with differing useful life, with account being taken of estimated residual value. Property, plant and equipment items which individually are of little significance, for example computers and other office equipment, are not individually assessed for residual value, useful lifetime or value loss, but are assessed on a group basis. Property used by the owner, according to the definition in IAS 40, is property that is mainly used by the Bank or its subsidiary for its own use.

Property, plant and equipment which are depreciated are subject to a depreciation test in accordance with IAS 36 when circumstances so indicate. Property held in order to earn rentals or for capital appreciation is classified as investment property and is measured at fair value in accordance with IAS 40. The group has no investment properties. 


Parent Bank   Group
Buildings and other real property Machinery, inventory and vehicles Total (NOK million) Total Machinery, inventory and vehicles Buildings and other real property
122 160 282 Cost of acquisition at 1 January  563 243 320
23 23 46 Additions  50 25 25
65 21 86 Additions as a result of business combinations*  87 21 65
-10 -18 -28 Disposals  -28 -18 -10
200 186 386 Cost of acquisition at 31 December  672 272 400
73 92 165 Accumulated depreciation and write-downs as at 1 January  331 162 170
31 19 50 Accumulated depreciations as a result of business combinations*  50 19 31
12 19 31 Current period's depreciation  41 22 19
-1 - -1 Current period's write-down  -1 - -1
-9 -17 -26 Disposals  -26 -17 -9
107 113 219 Accumulated depreciation and write-down as at 31 December  396 186 210
93 74 167 Book value as at 31 December  276 86 190
* Additions as a result of business combinations shows the effect of the fusion with Sparebank1 Søre Sunnmøre     
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Parent Bank   Group
Buildings and other real property Machinery, inventory and vehicles Total (NOK million) Total Machinery, inventory and vehicles Buildings and other real property
104 133 237 Cost of acquisition at 1 January  546 236 310
26 30 56 Additions  60 34 26
-8 -3 -11 Disposals  -12 -3 -9
- - - Disposals Subsidiaries*  -31 -24 -7
122 160 282 Cost of acquisition at 31 December  563 243 320
73 79 152 Accumulated depreciation and write-downs as at 1 January  334 163 170
8 15 23 Current period's depreciation  34 19 15
-8 -2 -10 Disposals  -10 -2 -9
- - - Disposals Subsidiaries* -26 -20 -7
73 92 165 Accumulated depreciation and write-down as at 31 December  332 162 170
49 68 117 Book value as at 31 December  232 81 150
* As from fourth quarter 2002 the subsidiary SpareBank 1 Markets have been reclassified to investment held for sale. The effect has been presented as disposals. 
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With a basis in acquisition cost less any residual value, assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over expected lifetime as follows:

  • Machinery 3-5 years
  • Fixtures 5-10 years
  • Technical installations 5-10 years
  • Means of transport 10 years
  • Buildings and other real property 25 years


The Group has not provided security or accepted any other infringements on its right of disposal of its fixed tangible assets. 

Acquisition cost of depreciated assets

The acquisition cost of fully depreciated assets still in use in the Bank in 2023 is NOK 138 million (NOK 107 million). 29 milion is due to the effect of the fusion with SpareBank 1 Søre Sunnmøre.

Gross value of non-current assets temporarily out of operation

The Group has no significant non-current assets out of operation as at 31 December 2023.

Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN