Note 23 - Income tax

Accounting Policy

Tax recorded in the income statement comprises tax in the period (payable tax) and deferred tax. Period tax is tax calculated on the taxable profit for the year. Deferred tax is accounted for by the liability method under IAS 12. Calculation of deferred tax is done using the tax rate in effect at any time. Liabilities or assets are calculated on temporary differences i.e. the difference between balance-sheet value and tax-related value of assets and liabilities. However, liabilities or assets are not calculated in the case of deferred tax on goodwill for which there is no deduction for tax purposes, nor on first-time-recognised items which affect neither the accounting nor the taxable profit.

A deferred tax asset is calculated on a tax loss carryforward. Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that there is expectation of future taxable profits that enable use of the tax asset. Withholding tax is presented as period tax. Wealth tax is presented as an operating expense in the group accounts under IAS 12.

Parent Bank   Group
2022 2023 (NOK million) 2023 2022
3,125 4,498 Result before tax 3,688 3,353
-456 -1,099 +/- permanent differences  -632 -722
-315 -216 +/- change in temporary differences as per specification -227 -313
- -  + deficit carried forward -0 -4
2,354 3,183 Year's tax base/taxable income 2,829 2,313
612 803 Tax payable on profit for the year 885 699
-15 -30 Taxes on interest hybrid capital -31 -15
15 8 Excess/too little tax accrued previous year 14 21
612 781 Total taxes payable in statement of financial position 868 705
612 803 Tax payable on profit for the year 885 699
34 47 +/- change in deferred tax 50 35
-15 -30 Taxes on interest hybrid capital -31 -15
631 820 Tax charge for the year 904 718
    Change in net deferred tax liability    
-34 47 Deferred tax shown through profit/loss 50 -35
-44 7 Deferred tax shown through equity 7 -44
- 41 Change in deferred tax arising from business combination 41 -81
3 11 Too little taxes accrued previous year -9 3
76 106 Total change in net deferred tax liability 89 -156
* Due to changes in temporary differences between annual accounts and final tax papers. 
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2022 2023 Composition of deferred tax carried in the balance sheet (NOK Million) 2023 2022
    Temporary differences:    
- 13  - Business assets 44 27
- -  - Leasing items  310 273
234 212  - Pension liability 216 236
202 544  - Securities 544 202
2,154 1,337  - Hedge derivatives 1,337 2,154
- 128  - Other temporary differences 128 4
2,590 2,233 Total tax-increasing temporary differences 2,578 2,896
648 558 Deferred tax 644 723
    Temporary differences:    
-27 -  - Business assets -12 -38
- -  - Pension liability - -
-75 -48  - Securities -48 -75
-2,185 -1,471  - Hedge derivatives -1,471 -2,185
-13 -2  - Other temporary differences -117 -107
- -  - Deficit carried forward - -1
-2,301 -1,521 Total tax-decreasing temporary differences -1,648 -2,407
-575 -380 Deferred tax asset -411 -602
72 178 Net deferred tax (-asset ) 231 122
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The above table comprises temporary differences from all consolidated companies shown gross. At the company level tax-increasing and tax-reducing temporary differences are shown net. At the group level  recognition is on a gross basis in conformity with IAS 12 with each company being presented separately in the calculation of  the Group's tax benefit and deferred tax:

  2023 2022
Tax benefit recorded 31 Dec 6 5
Deferred tax recorded 31 Dec -236 -127
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2022 2023 Reconciliation of tax charge for the period recognised against profit and loss to profit before tax  2023 2022
781 1,125 25 % of profit before tax 1,190 882
-114 -275 Non-taxable profit and loss items (permanent differences)  -257 -129
-44 -30 Tax effect of costs reflected in equity -31 -44
8 - Too little taxes accrued previous year 2 8
631 820 Tax for the period recognised in the income statement 904 718
20 % 18 % Effective tax rate  25 % 21 %
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Annual report and notes

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