Note 43 - Earnings per ECC

ECC owners share of profit have been calculated based on net profit allocated in accordance to the average number of certificates outstanding in the period. There is no option agreements in relation to the Equity Capital certificates, diluted net profit is therefore equivalent to Net profit per ECC.

(NOK million) 2020 2019
Adjusted Net Profit to allocate between ECC owners and Savings Bank Reserve 1)  1,793 2,458
Allocated to ECC Owners 2)  1,147 1,572
Issues Equity Captial Certificates adjusted for own certificates 129,347,626 129,496,367
Earnings per Equity Captial Certificate 8.87 12.14


1) Adjusted Net Profit  2020 2019
Net Profit for the group 1,978 2,563
adjusted for non-controlling interests share of net profit -126 -56
Adjusted for Tier 1 capital holders share of net profit -59 -49
Adjusted Net Profit 1,793 2,458


2) Equity capital certificate ratio (parent bank)    
 (NOK million) 31 Dec 2020 31 Dec 2019
ECC capital 2,597 2,597
Dividend equalisation reserve 6,556 6,144
Premium reserve 895 895
Unrealised gains reserve 153 121
Other equity capital - -
A. The equity capital certificate owners' capital 10,201 9,758
Ownerless capital 5,664 5,432
Unrealised gains reserve 86 68
Other equity capital - -
B. The saving bank reserve 5,750 5,500
To be disbursed from gift fund 321 474
Dividend declared 569 840
Equity ex. profit 16,842 16,572
Equity capital certificate ratio A/(A+B) 64.0 % 64.0 %
Equity capital certificate ratio for distribution 64.0 % 64.0 %



Annual report and notes

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