Note 6 - Net interest income

Parent Bank   Group
2009 2010 2011 (NOK million) 2011 2010 2009
      Interest income      
127 122 158 Interest and similar income from loans to and claims on credit institutions 134 98 89
2,857 2,793 3,182 Interest and similar income from loans to and claims on customers 3,265 2,900 2,990
330 310 370 Interest and similar income from money market instruments, bonds and other fixed income securities 370 309 329
0 1 3 Other interest income 11 9 8
3,314 3,226 3,713 Total interest income 3,780 3,315 3,416
      Interest expense      
282 339 345 Interest and similar expenses on liabilities to credit institutions 345 338 281
863 811 1,071 Interest and similar expenses relating to deposits from and liabilities to customers 1,057 799 855
820 734 916 Interest and similar expenses related to the issuance of securities 916 734 820
131 148 125 Interest and similar expenses on subordinated debt 125 148 131
45 48 - Levies paid to the Banks' Guarantee Fund - 48 45
1 30 45 Other interest expenses and similar expenses  56 39 5
2,142 2,110 2,502 Total interest expense 2,499 2,105 2,137
1,172 1,116 1,211 Net interest income 1,281 1,210 1,279

Annual report and notes

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