Note 14 - Market risk related to interest rate risk

This note is a sensitivity analysis based on relevant balance sheet items as of 31 December and thereafter for the year concerned. The Bank's interest rate risk is calculated by simulating a parallel interest rate shift for the entire interest rate curve of one percentage point on all balance sheet items.

For further details regarding interest rate risk, see Note 6 Risk Factors.

  Interest rate risk, change 1 percentage piont
Basis risk Group (NOK million) 2020 2019
NOK - 8 - 26
EUR  0 - 3
USD  3 - 1
CHF - 1 - 1
GBP - 1 - 2
Other  0 - 1
Total interest rate risk, effect on result before tax - 7 - 34

Total interest rate risk suggest that the Bank will have losses from an increase in the interest rate in 2020. This is the same effect as in 2019.

The table below shows the effect of an interest rate curve shift on various time intervals and the associated gains or losses within the respective maturities.

  Interest rate risk, change 1 percentage piont
Interest rate curve risk, Group (NOK million) 2020 2019
0 - 2 month - 16 - 20
2 - 3 months 12 - 3
3 - 6 months - 14 - 6
6 - 12 months  6  5
1 - 2 years - 6  0
2 - 3 years - 9 - 5
3 - 4 years  21  8
4 - 5 years 3 - 17
5 - 8 years - 10  9
8 - 15 years 8 - 5
Total interest rate risk, effect on result before tax - 7 - 34

Annual report and notes

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