Note 39 - Investments in owner interests

Subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and companies held for sale.

Company Company number Registered office Stake in per cent
Investment in significant subsidiaries  
EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge  936159419 Trondheim 87.0
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN  936285066 Trondheim 88.7
SpareBank 1 Invest  990961867 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge  938521549 Trondheim 61.2
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet 990283443 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Bygget Steinkjer  934352718 Trondheim 100.0
St. Olavs Plass  999263380 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Bilplan 979945108 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Markets  992999101 Oslo 66.7
SpareBank 1 SMN Spire Finans 916585837 Trondheim 100.0
Shares owned by subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries      
GMA Invest 994469096 Trondheim 100.0
Sentrumsgården  975856828 Leksvik 24.0
Aqua Venture  891165102 Trondheim 37.6
Omega-3 Invest  996814262 Namsos 33.6
Tjeldbergodden Utvikling  979615361 Aure 35.3
Grilstad Marina  991340475 Trondheim 35.0
GMN 6  994254707 Trondheim 30.0
GMN 51  996534316 Trondheim 30.0
GMN 52  996534413 Trondheim 30.0
GMN 53  996534502 Trondheim 30.0
Brauten Eiendom  917066221 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Kapitalforvaltning  980300609 Trondheim 100.0
SpareBank 1 Capital Markets    New York 100.0
Leksvik Regnskapskontor 980491064 Leksvik 50.0
Viken Regnskap  976108418 Stjørdal 100.0
Reinheim Regnskap  974376113 Lesja 100.0
Investment in joint ventures      
SpareBank 1 Gruppen 975966372 Tromsø 19.5
SpareBank 1 Utvikling 986401598 Oslo 18.0
Investment in associates      
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  988738387 Stavanger 20.9
BN Bank  914864445 Trondheim 35.0
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  894111232 Stavanger 31.0
Bjerkeløkkja 998534976 Oppdal 40.7
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort 975966453 Trondheim 17.3
SMB Lab  917143501 Trondheim 20.0
Proaware 995756080 Tromsø 20.0
SpareBank 1 Betaling 919116749 Oslo 21.5
Investment in companies held for sale       
Mavi XV  890899552 Trondheim 100.0
Mavi XXV  999239242 Trondheim 100.0
Mavi XXVIII  999239455 Trondheim 100.0
Byscenen Kongensgt 19  992237899 Trondheim 94.0

Shares in subsidiaries, Parent Bank

Recorded at acquisition cost in the Parent Bank. Full consolidation in the Group accounts. Total costs include tax charge. The booked value of subsidiaries in the tables below is the Parent Bank’s booked value. Profit or loss show the company's net profit. 

2019 (NOK million) Company's share capital (NOK 000's)  No. Of shares Nominal value (NOK 000's) Assets  Liabilities Equity NCI of equity1) Total income Total expenses Profit or loss NCI of profit or loss1) Book value 31.12
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge AS 922,590 92,259 10.0 8,861 7,567 1,295 458 527 413 114 43 666
Total investments in credit institutions                       666
EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge  66,611 5,505 12.1 309 140 169 22 390 389 1 0 155
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet  30,200 30,200 1.0 318 221 97 0 34 26 7 - 126
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN  19,278 238 81.0 527 161 367 42 505 420 85 10 231
SpareBank 1 Invest  457,280 457,280 1.0 603 39 564 - 52 6 47 - 540
SpareBank 1 Bygget Steinkjer  6,100 100 61.0 50 14 36 - 4 3 1 - 40
SpareBank 1 Card Solution  10,000 100,000 0.1 80 26 54 - 7 5 3 - 50
St. Olavs Plass  5,769 41,206 0.1 5 1 4 - 4 2 1 - 4
SpareBank 1 Bilplan  529,221 3,168,991 0.2 3,669 2,950 718 239 626 583 43 14 456
SpareBank 1 Markets  4,503 75,044,932 0.0 106 56 51 - 21 40 - 20 - 41
Total investments in other subsidiaries 1,643
Total investments in Group companies, Parent Bank 2,309
1)Non-controlling interests            


2018 (NOK million) Company's share capital (NOK 000's)  No. Of shares Nominal value (NOK 000's) Assets  Liabilities Equity NCI of equity1) Total income Total expenses Profit or loss NCI of profit or loss 1) Book value 31.12
SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge AS 772,590 77,259 10.0 7,723 6,580 1,143 364 337 226 111 39 602
Total investments in credit institutions            602
EiendomsMegler 1 Midt-Norge  66,611 5,505 12.0 276 91 186 24 496 517 -20 -3 143
SpareBank 1 SMN Kvartalet  98,753 30,200 0.0 310 10 300 - 30 24 5 - 332
SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset SMN  18,564 238 78,0 394 112 282 13 444 390 54 2 201
SpareBank 1 Invest  457,280 457,280 1.0 793 45 748 - 13 6 7 - 739
SpareBank 1 Bygget Steinkjer  6,100 100 61.0 49 1 49 - 4 3 1 - 53
SpareBank 1 Card Solution  200 2,000 0.1 5 0 5 - 2 2 0 - 5
St. Olavs Plass  10,000 100,000 0.1 78 1 77 - 7 6 1 - 75
SpareBank 1 Bilplan  5,759 41,206 0.1 5 3 3 - 8 10 -2 - 4
SpareBank 1 Markets  529,221 3,168,991 0.2 2,258 1,582 676 225 551 535 16 5 456
Total investments in other subsidiaries 2,008
Total investments in Group companies, Parent Bank 2,610
1) Non-controlling interests            

Shares in associates and joint ventures
Associates and joint ventures are recorded at acquisition cost in the Parent Bank. Group figures are presented by the equity method.

Parent Bank       Group
2018 2019 (NOK million) 2019 2018
3,940 4,309 As at 1 January 6,098 5,638
369 221 Acquisition/sale 210 168
  -4 Write-down   -
- - Equity capital changes -15 -74
- - Profit share 879 437
- - Dividend paid -704 -410
4,309 4,526 Book value as at 31 December 6,468 6,098


Specification of year's change, Group Additions/disposal Equtiy change
SpareBank 1 Gruppen  - 2
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  153 -12
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  -40 -1
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort  -1 2
Sparebank 1 Betaling  22 -0
BN Bank  83 -4
Other companies -7 -3
Sum  210 -15


Dividends from investments in associates and joint ventures 

(NOK million) 2019 2018
SpareBank 1 Gruppen  663 287
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  - 14
BN Bank  - -
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  15 17
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort 25 38
Total income from associates and joint ventures 704 355

Company information on the Group's stakes in associates and joint ventures
The tables below contain company or Group accounting figures on a 100 per cent share basis, except for profit share which is stated as the SMN Group’s share. Booked value is the consolidated value in the SMN Group.

2019 (NOK million) Assets Liabilities Total income Total costs Profit share Book value 31.12 No. of shares
SpareBank 1 Gruppen  93,560 82,689 25,820 24,317 7121) 1,609 381,498
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  245,621 233,340 260 92 26 2,319 15,898,802
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  11,411 9,316 92 30 21 650 5,034,161
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort  5,817 4,794 548 473 13 177 498,720
Sparebank 1 Betaling  773 4 0 58 3 166 3,980,651
BN Bank  31,917 27,620 768 441 107 1,425 4,943,072
Other companies - - - - -2 123 -
Total 879 6,468  

1) incl earnings sale ownership interest to DNB in Fremtind Forsikring NOK 460 million

2018 (NOK million) Assets Liabilities Total income Total costs Profit share Book value 31.12 No. of shares
SpareBank 1 Gruppen  75,383 67,177 13,719 12,239 289 1,558 381,498
SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt  245,521 233,938 3,578 3,573 -7 2,152 14,879,609
SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt  13,365 11,287 262 211 15 685 5,353,070
SpareBank 1 Kredittkort  5,948 4,867 1,122 991 23 188 502,131
Sparebank 1 Betaling  656 0 - 57 -12 141 1,635
BN Bank  29,021 24,739 658 364 92 1,239 4,658,389
Other companies 17 135  -
Total 416 6,098  

Companies held for sale

SpareBank 1 SMN owns 100 per cent of Mavi XV AS due to defaulted loans. SpareBank 1 SMN's strategy is that ownership due to defaulted exposures should at the outset be of brief duration, normally not longer than one year. Investments are recorded at fair value in the Parent Bank's accounts. In the Group accounts one-line consolidation is undertaken. 

2019 (NOK million) Assets Liabilities Total income Total costs Company's
result of the year
No. of shares
Mavi XV AS konsern 40 0 5 -5 0 100%
2018 (NOK million) Assets Liabilities Total income Total costs Company's
result of the year
No. of shares
Mavi XV AS konsern 43 1 5 -1 5 100%
SpareBank 1 Kvartalet AS - - 144 - 144 100%
   43 1 148 -1 149  



Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN