Note 12 - Maximum credit risk exposure

The table below shows maximum exposure to credit risk for balance sheet components, including derivatives. Exposures are shown on a gross basis before collateral and permitted set-offs.

For disclosure of classes of financial instruments where this is not spesified in the table below, see note 24 Categories of financial assets and financial liabilities

Parent Bank            
31 Dec 2019 (NOK million) Maximum exposure to credit risk, gross Provision for expected credit
in property
in securities
and netting
Maximum exposure
to credit risk, net
Balances with central banks 706 - - - - 706
Loans and advances to credit institutions 9,181 - - - - 9,181
Loans and advances to customers at fair value through profit or loss 4,677 - 4,505 0 18 154
Loans and advances to customers at amortised cost 41,957 850 20,673 809 16,936 2,688
Loans and advances to customers at fair value through OCI 71,336 87 69,941 56 413 839
Securities and bonds 23,195 - - - 10,991 12,204
Derivatives 2,872 - - - 1,653 1,218
Earned income, not yet recieved 107 - - - - 107
Accounts receivable, securities 13 - - - - 13
Total assets 154,042 937 95,119 865 30,011 27,109
Guarantee commitments and documentary credits 5,643 82 - - - 5,561
Unutilised credits and Loan approvals 18,533 18 3,038 137 516 14,824
Other exposures 2,904 - - - - 2,904
Total liabilities 27,079 100 3,038 137 516 23,289
Total credit risk exposure 181,121         50,398
31 Dec 2018 (NOK million) Maximum exposure
to credit risk, gross
for expected
in property
in securities
and netting
Maximum exposure
to credit
risk, net
Balances with central banks 819 - - - - 819
Loans and advances to credit institutions 11,178 - - - - 11,178
Loans and advances to customers at fair value through profit or loss 4,467 - 4,253 18 20 177
Loans and advances to customers at amortised cost 47,536 639 26,195 1,105 17,687 1,909
Loans and advances to customers at fair value through OCI 61,353 58 60,430 97 136 631
Securities and bonds 20,428 - - - 11,375 9,053
Derivatives 3,914 - - - 2,077 1,836
Earned income, not yet recieved 67 - - - - 67
Accounts receivable, securities 7 - - - - 7
Total assets 149,769 697 90,878 1,220 31,296 25,678
Guarantee commitments and documentary credits 5,022 134 - - - 4,888
Unutilised credits and loan approvals 17,824 14 2,347 26 967 14,470
Other exposures 2,478 - - - - 2,478
Total liabilities 25,325 148 2,347 26 967 21,837
Total credit risk exposure 175,094         47,514



31 Dec 19 (NOK million) Maximum
to credit
risk, gross
Provision for expected credit losses Collateral
in property
in securities
and netting agreements1)
to credit
risk, net
Balances with central banks 706 - - - - 706
Loans and advances to credit institutions 2,110 - - - - 2,110
Loans and advances to customers at fair value through profit or loss 4,677 - 4,505 0 18 154
Loans and advances to customers at amortised cost 50,264 911 20,691 809 17,346 10,506
Loans and advances to customers at fair value through OCI 71,336 87 69,941 56 413 839
Securities and bonds 23,115 - - - 10,991 12,124
Derivatives 2,972 - - 100 1,653 1,218
Earned income, not yet recieved 132 - - - - 132
Accounts receivable, securities 292 - - 71 209 13
Total assets 155,604 998 95,138 1,036 30,629 27,802
Guarantee commitments and documentary credits 5,643 82 - - - 5,561
Unutilised credits and loan approvals 18,643 18 3,038 223 531 14,834
Other exposures 3,097 - - - - 3,097
Total liabilities 27,383 100 3,038 223 531 23,491
Total credit risk exposure 182,987         51,294
31 Dec 18 (NOK million) Maximum
exposure to credit
risk, gross
Provision for expected credit losses Collateral
in property
in securities
and netting
Maximum exposure
to credit
risk, net
Balances with central banks 819 - - - - 819
Loans and advances to credit institutions 5,074 - - - - 5,074
Loans and advances to customers at fair value through profit or loss 4,467 - 4,253 18 20 177
Loans and advances to customers at amortised cost 53,967 686 26,195 1,105 25,402 578
Loans and advances to customers at fair value through OCI 61,295 58 60,430 97 136 573
Securities and bonds 20,348 - - - 11,375 8,974
Derivatives 4,119 - - - 2,077 2,041
Earned income, not yet recieved 86 - - - - 86
Accounts receivable, securities 277 - - 94 183 0
Total assets 150,451 744 90,878 1,314 39,193 18,321
Guarantee commitments and documentary credits 5,032 134 - - - 4,898
Unutilised credits and loan approvals 17,963 14 2,347 70 982 14,551
Other exposures 2,629 - - - - 2,629
Total liabilities 25,624 148 2,347 70 982 22,077
Total credit risk exposure 176,076         40,399

1) Other collateral includes cash, movables, ship and guarantees received. For covered bonds the cover pool comprises loans to customers in the company that has issued the bond.

For derivatives, cash has been provided as collateral, in addition to bilateral ISDA agreements on netting of derivatives.

The Bank’s maximum credit exposure is shown in the above table. SpareBank 1 SMN provides wholesale banking services to BN Bank and the Samspar banks. In this connection a guarantee agreement has been established which assures full settlement for exposures connected to these agreements.

For retail and corporate customers, use is made of framework agreements requiring provision of collateral. For customers engaged in trading activity, only cash deposits are accepted as collateral. Customers furnish cash deposits and/or assets as collateral for their trade in power and salmon derivatives at NASDAQ OMX Oslo ASA and Fish Pool ASA. 

SpareBank 1 SMN enters into standardised and mainly bilateral ISDA agreements on netting of derivatives with financial institutions  as counterparties. Additionally the Bank has entered into supplementary agreements on provision of collateral (CSA) with the most central counterparties. As of 31 December 2019 the Bank has about 47 (46) active ISDA agreements. As from 1 March 2017 the Bank was required under EMIR to have in place a CSA with daily exchange of margin collateral etc. with all financial counterparties with which the bank deals domiciled (inter alia) in an EU meber state. The Bank only enters into agreements with cash as collateral. The Bank has delegated responsibility for handling these agreements to SEB Prime Collateral Services which handles margin requirements on behalf of the Bank. More about collateral and encumbrances in note 37 Other debt and liabilities.

The collateral is measured at fair value, limited to maximum credit exposure for the individual counterparty.

Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN