Note 33 - Property, plant and equipment


Parent Bank   Group
Buildings and other real property Machinery, inventory and vehicles Total (NOK million) Total Machinery, inventory and vehicles Buildings and other real property
56 334 390 Cost of acquisition at 1 January 1,624 436 1,188
5 18 23 Acquisitions 43 31 13
1 38 39 Disposals 63 40 23
60 314 374 Cost of acquisition at 31 December 1,604 427 1,177
6 183 190 Accumulated depreciation and write-downs as at 1 January 347 243 104
3 42 45 Current period's depreciation 110 61 49
- 8 8 Current period's write-down 8 8 -
0 37 37 Reversal of accumulated depreciation and write-downs 37 37 0
10 195 205 Accumulated depreciation and write-down as at 31 December 428 274 154
50 119 169 Book value as at 31 December 1,176 152 1,024


24 370 394 Cost of acquisition at 1 January 1,451 462 989
32 65 97 Acquisitions 279 76 203
 - 101 101 Disposals 107 102 5
56 334 390 Cost of acquisition at 31 December 1,624 436 1,188
5 238 243 Accumulated depreciation and write-downs as at 1 January 342 280 62
2 40 42 Current period's depreciation 101 58 42
- 1 1 Current period's write-down 1 1 -
- 96 96 Reversal of accumulated depreciation and write-downs 96 96 -
6 183 190 Accumulated depreciation and write-down as at 31 December 347 243 104
50 151 201 Book value as at 31 December 1,277 193 1,083


With a basis in acquisition cost less any residual value, assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over expected lifetime as follows: 

Technical installations 10 yrs
Machinery 3 - 5 yrs
Fixtures 5 - 10 yrs
IT equipment 3 - 5 yrs
Means of transport 10 yrs
Buildings and other real property 25 - 33 yrs 

Provision of security

The Bank has not provided security or accepted any other infringements on its right of disposal of its fixed tangible assets.

Acquisition cost of depreciated assets

The acquisition cost of fully depreciated assets still in use in the Bank in 2013 is NOK 102 million.

Gross value of non-current assets temporarily out of operation.

The Group has no significant non-current assets out of operation as at 31 December 2013.

Annual report and notes

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