
1 General information
2 IFRS accounting principles
Balance sheet
3 Critical estimates and assessments concerning the use of accounting principles
4 Segment information
5 Capital adequacy and capital management
6 Risk factors
Credit risk
7 Credit institutions - loans and advances
8 Loans and advances to customers
9 Derecognition of financial assets
10 Age breakdown of contracts fallen due but not written down
11 Losses on loans and guarantees
12 Credit risk exposure for each internal risk rating
13 Maximum credit risk exposure, disregarding collateral
Balance sheet
14 Credit quality per class of financial assets
Market risk
15 Market risk related to interest rate risk
16 Market risk related to currency exposure
Liquidity risk
17 Liquidity risk
18 Maturity analysis of assets and liabilities
Income statement
19 Net interest income
20 Net commission income and other income
21 Net profit/(loss) from financial assets
22 Personnel expenses and emoluments to senior employees and elected officers
23 Other operating expenses
24 Pension
25 Income tax
Balance sheet
26 Measurement of fair value of financial instruments
27 Fair value of financial instruments
28 Money market certificates and bonds
29 Financial derivatives
30 Shares, units and other equity interests
31 Goodwill
32 Property, plant and equipment
33 Other assets
34 Deposits from and liabilities to customers
35 Debt securities in issue
36 Other debt and liabilities
37 Subordinated debt and hybrid equity issue
38 Investments in owner interests
Additional information
39 Business acquisitions/business combinations
40 Significant transactions with related companies
41 ECC capital and ownership structure
42 Dividends/groups contributions from subsidiaries
43 Subsequent events
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