Note 19 - Net interest income

Parent Bank   Group
2011 2012 (NOK million) 2012 2011
    Interest income    
158 144 Interest and similar income from loans to and claims on credit institutions 59 134
3,292 3,396 Interest and similar income from loans to and claims on customers 3,498 3,375
370 362 Interest and similar income from money market instruments, bonds and other fixed income securities 362 370
3 3 Other interest income 9 11
3,824 3,904 Total interest income 3,928 3,891
    Interest expense    
345 235 Interest and similar expenses on liabilities to credit institutions 162 345
1,071 1,163 Interest and similar expenses relating to deposits from and liabilities to customers 1,139 1,057
916 1,001 Interest and similar expenses related to the issuance of securities 1,001 916
125 122 Interest and similar expenses on subordinated debt 122 125
45 12 Other interest expenses and similar expenses  27 56
2,502 2,532 Total interest expense 2,451 2,499
1,322 1,373 Net interest income 1,477 1,392
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