Note 33 - Pension

General description of the company's pension obligations


Defined benefit scheme

This pension scheme is administered by a pension fund conferring entitlement to specific future pension benefits from age 67. The schemes include children’s pension and disability pension under further rules. The Group’s defined benefit pension scheme assures the majority of employees a pension of 68 per cent of final salary up to 12G. The defined benefit scheme is closed to new members.

Defined contribution scheme

Under the defined contribution pension scheme the Group does not provide a future pension of a given size, but pays an annual contribution to the employees’ collective pension savings. Future pension will depend on the size of the contribution and the annual return on the pension savings. The Group has no further obligations with regard to the employee’s labour contribution after the employer’s annual contribution has been paid. Defined contribution schemes are directly expensed. The Group has made a defined contribution pension scheme available to its employees since 1 January 2008.

Early retirement pension scheme

The banking and financial industry has established an agreement on a contractual early retirement pension scheme (“AFP”) for employees from age 62 to 67. The bank pays 100 per cent of the pension paid from age 62 to 64 and 60 per cent of the pension paid from age 65 to age 67. Admission of new retirees ceased with effect from 31 December 2010.

Early retirement pension scheme, new arrangement

The Act relating to state subsidies in respect of employees who take out contractual early retirement pension in the private sector (AFP Subsidies Act) entered into force on 19 February 2010. Employees who take out contractual early retirement with effect in 2011 or later will receive benefits under the new scheme. The new AFP scheme represents a lifelong add-on to National Insurance and can be taken out from age 62. The employer’s premium is determined as a percentage of salary payments between 1G and 7.1G. In keeping with the recommendation of the Norwegian Accounting Standards Board, no provision was made in the financial year for the group’s de facto AFP obligation. This is because the office coordinating the schemes run by the main employer and trade union organisations has so far not performed the necessary calculations.

For further details of the Group’s pension schemes see Note 2 on accounting principles and Note 9 on personnel expenses.

      2011     2010   2009
Actuarial assumptions Costs Commitment     Costs Commitment   Costs Commitment
Discount rate 4.0 % 2.6 %     4.4 % 4.0 %   4.0 % 4.4 %
Expected rate of return on plan assets 5.7 % 4.1 %     6.3 % 5.7 %   6.0 % 6.3 %
Expected future wage and salary growth 3.5 % 3.3 %     4.0 % 3.5 %   4.5 % 4.0 %
Expected adjustment of basic amount (G) 3.8 % 3.3 %     4.3 % 3.8 %   4.0 % 4.3 %
Expected increase in current pension 2.0 % 0.4 %     2.0 % 2.0 %   3.6 % 2.0 %
Employers contribution  14.1 % 14.1 %     14.1 % 14.1 %   14.1 % 14.1 %
Expected voluntary exit before/after 50 yrs 2/0 % 2/0 %     2/0 % 2/0 %   2/0 % 2/0 %
Estimated early retirement outtake at age 62/64 25/50 % 25/50 %     25/50 % 25/50 %   50/100 % 25/50 %


Parent Bank                        Group 
2009 2010 2011 Net pension liability in the balance sheet (NOK million). Financial position 1 Jan. 2011 2010 2009
795 653 609 Net present value of pension liabilities in funded schemes      633 679 843
-530 -600 -656 Estimated value of pension assets        -675 -615 -549
264 53 -47 Net pension liability in funded schemes -42 64 294
-234 26 0 Estimated discrepancies not incl in profit and loss account  2 31 -254
-1 -1 -1 Non-recorded effect of plan change -1 -1 -1
30 78 48 Net pension liability in the balance sheet before employer's contribution -41 94 39
37 15 5 Employer’s contribution 5 16 41
67 93 -43 Net pension liability in the balance sheet -36 110 81


Distribution of liability between unfunded and funded pension scheme, Group
Group 2011   2010     2009
  Funded Unfunded Total   Funded Unfunded Total   Funded Unfunded Total
Present value of pension liability in funded schemes   599 34 633   569 110 679   673 170 843
Fair value of pension assets     -675 - -675   -615 - -615   -549 - -549
Net pension liability in funded schemes -76 34 -42   -46 110 64   124 170 294
Unrecognised estimate variance (possible actuarial gain/loss) -9 11 2   -33 64 31   -230 -24 -254
Unrecognised previous periods' accrual -1 0 -1   -1 - -1   -1 - -1
Net pension liability in the balance sheet before employer's contribution -86 45 -41   -81 174 94   -107 146 39
Employer’s contribution 1 5 5   1 16 16   18 24 41
Net pension liability in the balance sheet after employer's contribution -85 49 -36   -80 190 110   -89 170 81


2009 2010 2011 Pension cost for the year 2011 2010 2009
42 27 26 Present value of pension accumulated in the year       29 29 49
31 27 24 Interest cost of pension liabilities         25 28 33
-32 -38 -36 Expected rate of return on plan assets       -37 -39   -33
- -14 -2 Actuarial gains or losses -2 -15   -
14 8 - Previous periods' accrual recognised in the period    - 8 15
56 9 12 Net defined-benefit pension cost without employer's contribution 14 10 64
6 4 0 Employer's contribution - subject to accrual accounting 1 4 7
- -27 - Curtailment (transition to defined contribution pension)   - -30   -4
- -81 - Settlement (transition to defined contribution pension)   - -90   -1
- - - Effect (phase-out of the scheme)   - - 2
62 -96 12 Net pension cost related to defined benefit plans  14 -105 68
- - 4 Early retirement pension scheme, new arrangement  4 -   -
5 6 8 Cost of defined contribution pension 13 13 9
67 -90 24 Total pension cost  32 -92 77
19 -116 2 Of which unfunded pension commitment 2 -128 21
2009 2010 2011 Movement in net pension liability in the balance sheet 2011 2010 2009
67 93 -43 Net pension liability in the balance sheet 1.1 -36 110 81
- - Curtailment/Settlement          14 -   -
62 -96 12 Net defined-benefit costs in profit and loss account incl. curtailment/settlement   - -105 68
-36 -38 -12 Paid-in pension premium, defined-benefit schemes -14 -40 -39
93 -42 -42 Net pension liability in the balance sheet 31.12 -35 -35 110
2009 2010 2011 Financial status 31.12 2011 2010 2009
602 611 679 Pension liability 706 633 627
-567 -640 -670 Value of pension assets -690 -657 -582
46 -17 -56 Deferred loss/gain -57 -16 52
-1 -1 -1 Previous periods' accrual recognised in the period -1 -1 -1
80 -47 -48 Net pension liability before employer’s contribution  -41 -41 96
12 5 5 Employer’s contribution 6 5 14
93 -42 -42 Net pension liability after employer's contribution * -35 -35 110
      * Presented gross in the Group accounts      


Breakdown of financial status 31.12 between secured and unsecured pension scheme, Group        
Group 2011 2010   2009
  Funded Unfunded Total Funded Unfunded Total Funded Unfunded Total
Pension liability 668 38 706 599 34 633 534 93 627
Value of pension assets -690 - -690 -657 - -656 -582 - -582
Deferred loss/gain -53 -4 -57 -26 11 -16 -32 84 52
Deferred plan change -1 - -1 -1 - -1 -1 - -1
Net pension liability before employer’s contribution  -75 34 -41 -86 45 -40 -81 177 96
Employer’s contribution 1 5 6 1 5 5 1 13 14
Net pension liability after employer's contribution   -74 39 -35 -85 49 -35 -80 190 110


2009 2010 2011 Members 2011 2010 2009
961 975 921 Number of persons included in pension scheme 952   1,005 1,025
606 623 560   of which active 588 650 663
355 352 361   of which retirees and disabled 364 355 362


Investment og pension assets in the pension fund 2011 2010 2009
Current bonds 142 157 127
Bonds held to maturity 275 255 264
Money market 32 40 27
Equities 177 230 193
Real estate 16 15 14
Total 641 697 625

Annual report and notes

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