Cash flow statement

Parent bank   Group
2012 2013 (NOK million) 2013 2012
1,025 1,348 Profit before tax 1,400 1,077
43 53 + Depreciation and write-downs 118 102
51 82 + Losses on loans and guarantees 101 58
1,119 1,484 Net cash increase from ordinary operations 1,619 1,237
284 -587 Decrease/(increase) other receivables -652 802
-293 -121 Increase/(decrease) short term debt -244 -436
-1,738 -4,627 Decrease/(increase) loans to customers -5,433 -1,919
-586 -2,580 Decrease/(increase) loans credit institutions -2,376 -456
5,073 3,344 Increase/(decrease) deposits and debt to customers 3,822 4,381
-1,708 -1,031 Increase/(decrease) debt to credit institutions -1,031 -1,708
-4,246 277 Increase/(decrease) in short term investments 277 -4,246
-2,096 -3,842 A) Net cash flow from operations -4,018 -2,347
-92 -23 Increase in tangible fixed assets -32 -279
- 1 Reductions in tangible fixed assets 1 -
-1,611 -58 Paid-up capital, associated companies 250 -728
192 -137 Net investments in long-term shares and partnerships -253 -166
-1,512 -217 B) Net cash flow from investment -34 -1173
350 264 Increase/(decrease) in subordinated loan capital 264 350
936 - Increase/(decrease) in equity - 936
-190 -195 Dividends paid -195 -190
-40 -30 Gift awards decided -30 -40
- 31 Adjustment of equity 25 -89
2,112 3,503 Increase/(reduction), other long-term debt 3,503 2,112
3,168 3,573 C) Net cash flow from financial activities 3,566 3,080
-440 -486 A) + B) + C) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents -486 -440
1,519 1,079 Cash and cash equivalents at 01.01 1,079 1,519
1,079 593 Cash and cash equivalents at 31.12 593 1,079
440 486 Net changes in cash and cash equivalents 486 440

Annual report and notes

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