Note 19 - Money market certificates and bonds

Bonds and money market instruments are classified in the categories fair value through profit/loss, heldt to maturity and loans and receivables. Measurement at fair value reflects market value, while the category held to maturity and loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost. Bonds recalssified to held to maturity as of 1 july 2008 as a result of changes in IAS 39 and IFRS 7 in October 2008 are included below.

Parent Bank   Group
      Money market certificates and bonds by issuer sector      
2009 2010 2011 (NOK million) 2011 2010 2009
4,456 5,089 3,077 State (nominal) 3,077 5,089 4,456
4,408 5,044 3,059 - fair value 3,059 5,044 4,408
  - -   - - valued at amortised cost (held to maturity, loans and receivables)   - -   -
4,408 5,044 3,059 Book value, state 3,059 5,044 4,408
611 985 939 Other public sector (nominal) 939 985 611
437 906 904 - fair value 904 906 437
177 77 39 - valued at amortised cost (held to maturity, loans and receivables) 39 77 177
613 983 943 Book value, other public issuer 943 983 613
8,557 10,044 8,580 Financial enterprises (nominal) 8,580 9,988 8,533
4,014 5,957 5,763 - fair value 5,763 5,957 4,014
5,716 5,001 3,003 - valued at amortised cost (held to maturity, loans and receivables) 3,003 4,945 5,693
9,730 10,959 8,766 Book value, financial enterprises 8,766 10,903 9,707
  - 50 150 Non-financial enterprises (nominal) 150 50   -
  - 50 150 - fair value 150 50   -
  - -   - - valued at amortised cost (held to maturity, loans and receivables)   - -   -
  - 50 150 Book value, non-financial enterprises 150   50   -
13,624 16,168 12,746 Total fixed income securities, nominal value 12,746 16,112 13,600
14,751 17,036 12,918 Total fixed income securities, booked value 12,918 16,980 14,727

For  further specification of risk related to fixed income securities, see note 40 Market risk related to interest rate.

Due to extraordinary market conditions in autumn 2008, parts of the bank's portfolio of current assets became illiquid. After changes made in international accounting standards in October 2008, the Group opted to reclassify parts of the bond portfolio as of 1 July 2008 from the category "Fair value with a value changes reflected in profit/loss" to the category "Held to maturity". We no longer have trading as a goal and these securities are not expected to be sold before maturity.

The “Held to maturity” portfolio comprises quoted bonds and is valued at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Previously carried out write-downs will, after reclassification, be reversed over the portfolio’s residual maturity. This will be recognised under net interest income in addition to current coupon interest. In the period 30 September - 31 December 2011, NOK 0.7 million has been amortised, and total this year NOK 3.8 million. At the end of the fourth quarter of 2011 the average residual maturity is 0.9 years.

Had reclassification not been carried out, the Group would have expensed NOK 42 million in the second half of 2008 as unrealised losses owing to increased credit spreads. In the absence of reclassification the Group have expensed NOK 0.5 million in unrealised captail losses related to this bond portfolio in the fourth quarter 2011, and total this year NOK 0.9 million in unrealised capital losses.

Unrealised agio losses related to this portfolio have been taken to expence in an amount of NOK 2.8 million in the fourth quarter 2011, and total this year NOK 0.7 million.

No write-downs have been carried out on the basis of lasting portfolio value falls as of 31 December 2011.

Parent Bank   Group
      Held to maturity    
31.12.09 31.12.10 31.12.11 (NOK million) 31.12.11 31.12.10 31.12.09
2,409   1,562 583 Book value of bonds in the category "held to maturity" 583 1,562 2,409
2,430   1,568 585 Nominal value 585 1,568 2,430
2,426   1,570 584 Theoretical market value incl. Exchange rate changes 584 1,570 2,426


Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN