Note 16 - Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the group will be unable to refinance its debt or unable to finance increases in its assets. See note 6 on risk factors for a detailed description.

At 31 Dec 2019 (NOK million) On demand Below 3 months 3-12 months 1 - 5 yrs Above
5 yrs
Cash flows related to liabilities2)
Debt to credit institutions 8,567 245 - - 42 8,853
Deposits from and debt to customers 64,441 14,481 3,524 3,471 - 85,917
Debt created by issuance of securities - 1,210 7,389 29,599 6,589 44,787
Derivatives - contractual cash flow out - 466 5,993 25,392 3,604 35,455
Other commitments - 1,315 731 267 214 2,526
Subordinated debt1)
- 23 357 1,940 - 2,319
Total cash flow, liabilities 73,008 17,740 17,993 60,669 10,447 179,857
Derivatives net cash flows            
Contractual cash flows out - 466 5,993 25,392 3,604 35,455
Contractual cash flows in - -223 -6,483 -26,501 -3,682 -36,889
Net contractual cash flows - 244 -490 -1,109 -79 -1,434
At 31 Dec 2018 (NOK million) On demand Below 3 months 3-12 months 1 - 5 yrs Above
5 yrs
Cash flows related to liabilities2)
Debt to credit institutions 8,006 1 498 647 62 9,214
Deposits from and debt to customers 62,333 9,873 2,554 5,855 - 80,615
Debt created by issuance of securities - 1,730 5,139 32,665 6,200 45,733
Derivatives - contractual cash flow out - 1,425 15,209 27,449 1,154 45,237
Other commitments - 1,619 621 162 8 2,410
Subordinated debt1)
- 12 71 2,127 255 2,465
Total cash flow, liabilities 70,339 14,659 24,092 68,904 7,679 185,674
Derivatives net cash flows            
Contractual cash flows out - 1,425 15,209 27,449 1,154 45,237
Contractual cash flows in - -2,479 -15,110 -26,554 -1,294 -45,436
Net contractual cash flows - -1,054 99 895 -140 -200
Does not include value adjustments for financial instruments at fair value
1)For subordinated debt the call date is used for cash settlement
2)Contractual cash-flows include calculated interest and the total amount therefore deviate from recognised liabilities






Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN