Note 26 - Significant transactions with related companies

  Subsidiaries Other related companies
Loans (NOK million) 2011 2010 2009 2011 2010 2009
Outstanding loans as at 1.1. 2,955 2,612 1,131 827 171 100
Loans issued in the period 79 343 1,481 529 67 99
Repayments       127 39 28
Outstanding loans as at 31.12. 3,034 2,955 2,612 1,229 198 171
Interest rate income 107 86 58 35 163 1
Losses on loans - - - 2 25 0
Bonds and subordinated loans as at 31.12 90 145 113 3,947 6,203 6,268
Deposits (NOK million)            
Deposits as as 1.1. 304 236 159 2,363 1,219 2,332
Contribution received during the period 2,821 2,987 1,770 5,210 41,121 36,752
Withdrawals 2,812 2,964 1,693 5,438 41,906 37,865
Deposits as at 31.12. 314 259 236 2,136 433 1,219
Interest rate expenses 9 14 10 34 29 58
Securities trading - - - 250 389 5,254
Commission income SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt - - - 71 107 82
Issued guarantees and amount guaranteed - - - 67 120 -
Committed credit - - - 610 - -

Loans and deposits

All loans and deposits for related parties are booked in the Parent Bank.

Securities trading

SpareBank 1 SMN's Markets and Finance divisions carry out a large number of transactions with the Bank's related companies. Transactions are executed on a ongoing basis in the fixed income and forex area, payments transmission, bond trading etc. These transactions are part of ordinary bank operations and all agreements are contracted on market terms. 

Numbers above includes  net investmens in derivatives, bond transactions and deposits.

SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt

Together with the other owners of SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt, SpareBank 1 SMN has in the second quarter signed an agreement to establish a liquidity facility for SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt. Under this agreement the banks commit to purchasing commercial mortgage bonds limited to the overall value of 12 month maturities at  SpareBank 1 Næringskreditt. Each owner is principally liable for his share of the required amount, subsidiarily for twice the primary liability under the same agreement. The bonds may be deposited with Norges Bank and accordingly entail no significant risk for the bank.

Other transactions

SpareBank 1 SMN has signed supply agreements with several related companies in order to safeguard ordinary banking operations and further development of the SpareBank 1 Alliance. This includes development of data-technical solutions for alliance collaboration, commission from insurance and savings and investment products, administrative services, leasing of premises etc. The agreements are considered to be on market terms. In addition the Bank participates in increases of capital in related companies; see note 24 on investment in owner interests.

In 2011 SpareBank 1 Kvartalet spun off block A of the bank building to a value of NOK 105m. The spun off section was thereafter employed as a contribution in kind in SpareBank 1 Bygget Trondheim.

Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN