Note 18 - Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the group will be unable to refinance its debt or unable to finance increases in its assets. See note 6 on risk factors for a detailed description.


At 31 Dec 2017 (NOK million) On demand Below 3 months 3-12 months 1 - 5 yrs Above 5 yrs Total
Cash flows related to liabilities            
Debt to credit institutions 8,288 737 - 491 90 9,607
Deposits from and debt to customers 62,284 6,783 2,171 5,238 - 76,476
Debt created by issuance of securities - 3,922 5,668 28,753 3,644 41,987
Derivatives - contractual cash flow out - 4,334 3,139 29,475 2,607 39,555
Other commitments 2 1,210 554 153 5 1,924
Subordinated debt *) - 10 659 1,157 250 2,076
Total cash flow, liabilities 70,574 16,996 12,191 65,267 6,596 171,624
Contractual cash flows out - 4,334 3,139 29,475 2,607 39,555
Contractual cash flows in - -3,597 -2,646 -29,587 -2,804 -38,633
Net contractual cash flows - 737 494 -112 -197 922
At 31 Dec 2016 (NOK million) On demand Below 3 months 3-12 months 1 - 5 yrs Above 5 yrs Total
Cash flows related to liabilities            
Debt to credit institutions 7,588 2,138 - 682 100 10,509
Deposits from and debt to customers 56,804 5,376 1,581 3,406 - 67,168
Debt created by issuance of securities - 2,561 3,783 26,041 3,479 35,863
Derivatives - contractual cash flow out - 783 7,216 21,313 2,389 31,701
Other commitments 2 886 524 120 - 1,532
Subordinated debt *) - 14 1,000 1,154 - 2,168
Total cash flow, liabilities 64,394 11,759 14,104 52,716 5,969 148.941
Contractual cash flows out - 783 7,216 21,313 2,389 31,701
Contractual cash flows in - -363 -6,704 -21,181 -2,406 -30,654
Net contractual cash flows - 420 512 132 -17 1,047
Does not include value adjustments for financial instruments at fair value
*) For subordinated debt the call date is used for cash settlement



Annual report and notes

© SpareBank 1 SMN